Professor Glenn McDowell DSc
MA PhD (Cantab.) DipWSET CEng FICE

Professor of Geomechanics

Head of Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering



Welcome to my Home Page. I am the Head of Department of Civil Engineering within the Faculty of Engineering. That means I have overall responsibility for the delivery of teaching and the student experience within the department. My own teaching duties include the teaching of Foundations and Earthworks to third year undergraduates and the supervision of 4th year undergraduate and MSc postgtraduate student research projects into various aspects of Geotechnical Engineering. 

Details about the things I do are found on the following pages. Click on one of the highlighted references to see more. 

Contacting me

Click Here to leave a comment or E-Mail to me. I'll respond as soon as possible.

You can also contact me using more conventional communication methods:

Glenn McDowell 

Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham 

University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom 

Telephone .... +44 115 951 4603 

Fax .... +44 115 951 3898 

E-mail .... 

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