Dr Suchith Anand
Nottingham Geospatial Institute
Nottingham Geospatial Building
University of Nottingham
NG7 2 TU
Phone: +44 (0)115 84 32750
E-Mail: suchith.anand@nottingham.ac.uk
Suchith Anand is the chair of the ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies . He is leading open source research at the University of Nottingham. He established the Open Source Geospatial Lab at the University of Nottingham under MoU with the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. He is one of founders of the Open Source GIS Summer School initiative and the Geospatial Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data e-learning initiative. He is also the founder and co-chair of Open Source GIS Conference Series. He also leads the Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data theme for Open Nottingham. He is charter member of Open Source Geospatial Foundation.
He co-established HealthGIS research theme at the University of Nottingham. He is in the process of establishing AgriGIS research theme in collaboration with colleagues in Plant Science and Crops for the Future Research Centre. These newly established research themes have brought in funding for many new research projects, PhD studentships etc for UoN. He is also working for establishing Open Source Geospatial Labs/Research Centres in key universities worldwide as part of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation- ICA MoU
He is referee for RCUK, European and international research council applications, reviewer for many leading GIS journals (such as the International Journal for Geographical Information Science, Computers and Geosciences , Journal of Location Based Services etc). He is also in the scientific committees of many international conferences and serves on the Editorial Board of GIS Professional. He has also done invited presentations and chairing of sessions at many international conferences.
He is actively involved in successful research grants funding applications for a variety of funding agencies including European Commission, RCUK, Ordnance Survey, JISC , Nuffield Foundation etc. He is involved in many FP7 research (GIS4EU, ISSUE etc) , involved in supervising PhD students and also external examiner for PhDs etc .He has produced scientific reports for Ordnance Survey, JISC etc . His research interests and publications are in automated generalization, metaheuristic optimization techniques (simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, hill climbing, tabu search etc), location based services, linked data, HealthGIS, AgriGIS, ITS, open source, open standards, open data and data harmonization research.
His mission is to build up open source, open standards, open data research for bridging the digital divide.
Latest :
Updates from the ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies
Latest presentation slides for FOSS4G India 2012 and OSGIS 2012
FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham - " Geo for All"
Open Source Geospatial Lab launch event at University of Pretoria
Open Source Geospatial Lab to be established at University of Southampton
Open Source Geospatial Lab in Malaysia
Open Source Geospatial Lab in Brazil
Open Source GIS Conference Series
FP7 Intelligent Solutions for Sustaining Urban Economies
E-learning for Open Geospatial Community
Open Source and Open Standards drive R&D
Invited speaker for Ordnance Survey's Cambridge Conference - Exchange [Rapporteur notes]
Chair of Geospatial Web Services (All talks are available as webcasts and podcast)
Current Work :
Ordnance Survey Research Fellow @ Nottingham Geospatial Institute, University of Nottingham
- Ordnance Survey Future Data & Data Management Research
- PhD & Masters Research supervision
- Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data for Open Nottingham
- Open Source Lab
- Ordnance Survey Think Tank
- Erasmus IP in Open Source GIS
- Open Source GIS Conference Series
Current research :
- ELO-Geo - An eLearning Framework for Using Geospatial Open Data, Open Source and Open Standards (JISC funded )
- GIS4EU Project -Provision of interoperable datasets to open GI to the EU Communities
- AgriGIS Research (funding from Biosciences, CFFRC)
- Automated generalization techniques
- Geospatial standards in Health Mapping (Bridging the Gaps project with Professor Richard James, Molecular Medical Sciences)
- Erasmus IP in Open Source GIS - Professor Lluís Vicens (University of Girona), Professor Mike Jackson, Dr Gobe Hobona (University of Nottingham), Professor Ari Jolma (Helsinki University of Technology) and Dr Erwan Bocher(Ecole Centrale de Nantes)
- Eye tracking studies for small display schematic maps (Seed corn funding joint project with Dr David Crundall, School of Psychology)
- Applying Mobile GIS techniques to the Authoring of Location-Based Experiences (Bridging the Gaps project with Dr Leif Oppermann, Computer Science)
- Sustainability Development for a Crowd-sourced Learning Framework (JISC funded)
- Map schematization use case for OGC-EuroSDR-AGILE Persistent Test Bed for Europe (Dr Jerry Swan, Dr Rob Lemmens (ITC), Theodor Foerster (ITC)
- Open Source based Geospatial Resource for Agricultural Species (GRASP) (University Strategy group funded with Didier Leibovici, Charlie Hodgman, Chungui Lu, Sean Mayes, Kin-Chow Chang, Sayed Azam-Ali, Rumiana Ray, Gavin White, Christine Dodd, Wyn Morgan, Sarah Jewitt, Susanne Seymour)
- Wearable personal sensing social network application for mood sensing (with Dr Duncan Rowland (Computer Science) Dr David Morris, Prof. John Crowe , Dr Jennifer Martin (Electrical & Electronics Engg.) Dr. Oluropo Ogundipe (Civil Engineering)
Student supervision:
Hao Ye - (2009 - 2012)
Susan Du - (2009- 2011)
David McGillicuddy (2011-2012)
Mathew Butler (2011-2012)
Quang Phu Vo (2011-2012)
Anthony Hill (2011-2012)Jianhua Shao (2010-2011)
Jiang Wenchao (2010-2011)
Chaoye Ye (2010- 2011)
Natalie Adams (2010-2011)
Antoine Pourchet (2009-2010)
Catherine Thompson - RA (2007-2008)
PhD in Computer Science @ University of Glamorgan,Wales [July 2006]
- "Automated Schematic Map generation from large scale digital geographic datasets for MobileGIS" [Thesis available from The British Library]
MSc in Geographic Information @ City University, London [2002]
B.Tech in Civil Engineering @ Mahatma Gandhi University, India [1999]
Teaching Experience:
Teaching and course content development were carried out for
Postgraduate Modules on the MSc in Geographic Information Systems, University of Nottingham
1. Data Capture, Storage and Management
2. Managing Geospatial InformationPostgraduate Modules on the MSc in GISc programme, Birkbeck University of London
1. Fundamentals of GIS
2. GIS and Society
3. Advanced Spatial Analysis
4. Applications of GISUndergraduate Modules at School of Computing, University of Glamorgan
1. Information Systems Development
2. Computer Graphics (OpenGL Programming)
Shao. J, Kuk. G, Anand. S; Morley. J, Jackson. M, Mitchell. T, (2012) "Mapping Collaboration in Open Source Geospatial Ecosystem", Transactions in GIS, Volume 16, Issue 4, pages 581–597 Available online
Du H, Anand S, Alechina N, Morley J, Hart, G, Leibovici, D, Jackson, M, Ware J M . (2012) "Geospatial Information Integration for Authoritative and Crowd Sourced Road Vector Data", Transactions in GIS, Volume 16, Issue 4, pages 455–476.Available online
Leibovici, D.G. Bastin, L. Anand, S. Hobona, G. and Jackson, M (2011) "Spatially Clustered Associations in Health related geospatial data". Transactions in GIS,Volume 15, Issue 3, pp 347–364 Available online
Swan. J, Anand.S ,Ware J.M ,Jackson M, "Automated schematization for web service applications" , Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4857, pp216-226
Anand S, Batty M, Crooks A, Hudson-Smith A, Jackson M, Milton R, Morley J (2010) "Data mash-ups and the future of mapping", Report commissioned by JISC Available online
Ware.J.M, Anand.S Taylor.G.E, Thomas.N., "Automatic Generation of Schematic Maps for Mobile GIS Applications ", Special issue on location based services and MobileGIS, Transactions in GIS, Wiley- Blackwell Publishing, Vol 10, Issue 1, pp 25-42 Available online
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Sharples.S, Jackson.M, Nixon.J, "Automated Mobile Schematic mapping: Simulated annealing technique", Cognitive Processing, Springer Heidelberg, Vol 7 , No 5 ; ISSN: 1612-4782
Pourabdollah A, Anand S, Morley J, Jackson M "GI-BoK - Open Source GIS Education perspective" Views on the Body of Knowledge workshop, 15th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Avignon Available online
Hobona G, Jackson M, Anand S, "Implementing Geospatial Web Services for Cloud Computing" Book chapter in Zhao P and Di L (eds) Geospatial Web Services:Advances in Information Interoperability, IGI Publications, US
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E., "Generalization and schematization of large scale digital geographic datasets for MobileGIS applications", Book chapter in Drummond, J., Billen, R., Forrest, D. and João, E. (eds), Dynamic & Mobile GIS: Investigating Change in Space and Time, Taylor & Francis publications, pp 161-174
Ye H, Meng X, Anand S, Yang L. (2011), "Development of a Traffic Incident Hotspot Data Acquisition System Based on Open-source GIS" ,8th Symposium on Location-based Services, Vienna University of Technology , Austria
Ye H, Meng X, Yang L, Anand S, "Using Kernel Density Estimation and Linear Referencing to Identify Traffic Accident Hotspot Patterns for ADAS Applications", European Navigation Conference , London 2011
Du H, Anand S, Morley J, Leibovici D, Hart G, Jackson M, (2011)., "Developing Open source based tools for geospatial integration", Third Open Source GIS Conference, Nottingham.
Pawlowicz, S Leibovici, DG, Anand, S, Ye, C, Jiang, W. and Jackson, M (2011) “Participatory Health Surveys” Open Source, Geo & Health Workshop, Edinburgh
Samarasundera, E. Hansell, A. Leibovici, D.G, Anand, S.(2011) “Primary care perspectives on open source GIS in the UK”. Open Source, Geo & Health Workshop, Edinburgh
Du H., Jiang W., Anand S., Morley J., Hart G.,Leibovici D., Jackson M. (2011). ‘Ontology Based Approach for Geospatial Data Integration’. In 25th International Cartography Conference , Paris. Available online
Ye H, Meng X, Anand S, Yang L. (2011). "Using Linear Referencing to Identify Traffic Accident Hotspot for ADAS Applications", the European Navigation Conference on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, London, England
Du H., Anand S., Morley J., Hart G., Leibovici D., Jackson M. (2011) "Geographical Information integration from disparate sources", 19th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK), Portsmouth.
Pawlowicz S, Leibovici D, Saull R, Jackson M, Ye C, Jiang W, Adams N, Anand S, Haines-Young R., (2011)., "Interoperable Framework for Mobile Dynamic Surveying based on open source components", Third Open Source GIS Conference, Nottingham
Adams A., Ye C., Jiang W., Pawlowicz S., Anand S., Leibovici D., Jackson M,(2011) "Participatory Health Surveys Using Ubiquitous Computing: gastrointestinal illnesses application casestudy" , 19th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK), Portsmouth
Pawlowicz S, Leibovici D, Jackson M, Anand S, (2011)., "Participatory HealthGIS", Open Source Junction 2: context-aware mobile technologies, Oxford
Leibovici, D.G. Anand, S. and Jackson, M.(2010)., "Open Source and Open Standards in Health Mapping. " British Computer Society: Open Source Health Informatics conference, London, UK
Anand S, Morley J, Wenchao J, Du H, Hart G, Jackson M (2010), "When worlds collide: combining Ordnance Survey and Open Street Map data", AGI Geocommunity conference Available online
Ye H, Meng X, Anand S, Yang L (2010). "Autonomous Incident Detection with GPS", the European Navigation conference on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Braunschweig, Germany
Ye H, Meng X, Yang L, Anand S., (2010), "Location Awareness in Traffic Incident Management", Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, Guangzhou, China.
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E., "Map generalization for location based services: Large scale datasets perspective" , Society of Cartographers Bulletin, Vol 38, No 2
Anand, S, Swan.J, Jackson M, Ware J.M .,(2010) "Automated schematization using open standards". British Cartographic Society Annual Symposium, Nottingham.
Leibovici. D, Bastin.L, Anand. S, Swan. J, Hobona. G, Jackson. M, J., (2010) "Spatially Clustered Associations in Health GIS", 18th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK), London.
Leibovici. D, Anand.S, Swan J, Goulding J, Hobona G, Bastin.L, Pawlowicz S, Jackson. M, J, James R(2010)., "Workflow issues for Health mapping mashups of OGC Web Services" , The 13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Guimarães, Portugal.
Hobona G, Jackson M, Anand S, de Zorzi S, Leibovici .,(2009) “Rule Specification for Semantically-oriented Harmonisation of European Datasets”, In Proceedings of the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union 2009 (EGU), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-10589, Vienna, Austria.
Leibovici. D, Anand. S, Swan. J, Goulding. J, Hobona. G, Jackson. M, James. R.,(2009) "Geospatial mashups for health and epidemic mapping using OGC standards", The use of mapping software and systems in health and academic research conference, London
Anand.S ,Swan. J, Hobona G ,Jackson M, (2009) "Automated Tools for Discovery and Invocation of Water Network Schematization Service", 8th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Conceptión, Chile
Lemmens R, Swan J, Foerster T, Hobona G, Anand S and Jackson M.,(2009) "Schematisation service chain: A use case for the AGILE-EuroSDR-OGC Persistent Test Bed" , 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Hannover, Germany, 2009
Swan J, Anand S, Hobona G, Leibovici D, Jackson M.,(2009) "Open source research framework- a casestudy", The First Open Source GIS UK Conference, Nottingham
Leibovici D, Swan J, Anand S and Jackson M, (2009) "A Spatial Structuration Heuristic for Integrated Automated Map Generalisation with Attribute and Geometry", 17th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK), Durham
Hobona G, Jackson M, Gould M, Higgins C, Brauner J, Matheus A, Foerster T, Nash E, Abele S, Swan J, Anand S, Strobel S, Bishr M, Korduan P and James P, (2009) "Establishing a Persistent Interoperability Testbed for European Geospatial Research", 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science,Hannover, Germany
Hobona G, Jackson M, Anand S, de Zorzi S, Leibovici D, (2009) "Modeling Rules for Integrating Heterogeneous Geographic Datasets" , 17th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK), Durham.
Swan. J, Anand.S ,Ware J.M ,Jackson M,(2008) "Open standards based research platform for map schematization", Tenth International Conference for Spatial Data Infrastructure,St. Augustine, Trinidad
Swan. J, Anand.S ,Ware J.M ,Jackson M,(2008) "Genetic algorithm based tool for network schematization" , GIScience 2008, Park City, Utah, USA
Leibovici D G, Swan J, Anand S, Jackson M, (2008) "Combining Attribute with Geometry for Automated Generalisation and Schematisation", Auto Carto 2008, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA,
Swan. J, Anand.S ,Ware J.M ,Jackson M,(2008) "Automated schematization using memetic algorithms", 16th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK 2008) , Manchester
Swan. J, Anand.S ,Ware J.M ,Jackson M, (2008) " Road network schematization using web feature service- a case study ", International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Borovets, Bulgaria.
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Jackson.M, Swan. J, (2007) "Evaluation results of automated schematic map tool for MobileLBS applications", 5th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT'07) , Padua, Italy.
Swan. J, Jackson. M, Anand.S ,You J ,(2007) "Persistent Test-Bed and Research Platform for Geospatial Interoperability" , EuroSDR and AGILE Workshops on Test-beds and Geospatial Web Services Interoperability, 10th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science (AGILE 2007), Aalborg ,Denmark.
Anand.S, Avelar. S, Ware.J.M, Jackson.M, (2007) " Automated schematic map production using Simulated Annealing and Gradient Descent approaches", 15th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK 2007) , Dublin, Ireland.Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Vairavamoorthy.K, Jackson.M, (2006) "MobileGIS in Water Network Applications -Demand Modelling Approach " 7th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering (ICHE 2006) , Philadelphia, USA.
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E, You.J, Jackson.M, (2006) "Automated time based schematic maps for transportation planning applications ", 14th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK 2006), University of Nottingham, Nottingham.
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Jackson.M, (2006) "Optimization of network datasets for MobileGIS applications ", The AGI 2006 Conference - 'Better Business by Design', London.
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Sharples.S, Nixon.J, Jackson.M, (2006) "Human factor considerations in Mobile Schematic mapping", Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IEEE Computer Society), pages 316-324
Anand.S,Ware.J.M,Taylor.G.E, Vairavamoorthy.K, Jackson.M,(2006) "Automated Schematic Maps for Water Network Applications- Simulated Annealing Approach",7th International Conference in HydroInformatics,Nice, France.
Anand.S, You.J, Ware.J.M, Jackson.M, Taylor.G.E, (2006) "Automated travel time schematic maps for Location Based Services ", Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference , London
Ware.J.M, Anand.S.,(2005) "Automated production of schematic maps for mobile applications ", Proceedings of Auto-Carto 2005, Las Vegas, USA
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E., (2005) "Schematic maps for small display location based service applications" , 13th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK 2005), University of Glasgow, Glasgow
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E., (2004) "OSMasterMap : Map Generalization for Location Based Services", at Association for Geographic Information (AGI) Conference, Chelsea Village, London.
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E., (2004) "Map Generalization for OSMasterMap Data in Location Based Services & Mobile GIS Applications" ,12th International Conference on Geoinformatics - GeoSpatial Information Research : Bridging the Pacific and Atlantic, pp 54-60, Gävle, Sweden.
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E., (2004) "Map Generalization for derivation of Schematic Maps from Large Scale Datasets for Mobile GIS Applications" , The 30th Congress of the International Geographical Union, IGC-UK, Glasgow
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E.,(2004) “Automatic Generalization of Schematic Maps for Location Based Service Applications”, 40th Annual Summer School of Society of Cartographers, University of Bristol, Bristol.
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E.,(2004) "Schematic Maps from Large Scale Datasets for Location Based Service Applications" British Cartography Society , BCS 41st Annual Symposium , University of Durham, Durham.
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E.,(2004) "Map Generalization for OSMasterMap Data in Small Display Mobile GIS Applications", 12th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK 2004) ,University of East Anglia, pp 245-248, Norwich
Anand.S, Ware.J.M., (2003) "Map Generalization for Automatic Derivation of Location Based Service Maps", Royal Geographic Society, London
Anand.S, Vairavamoorthy.K.,(2002) "GIS in analysis and design of Intermittent Water Distribution Systems", Asian Conference on GIS ,GPS, Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing (MapAsia 2002), Bangkok
Scientific reports:
Anand. S (2012) " Future Data models" [Ordnance Survey]
Anand. S (2011) " Crowd source data capture, geospatial mashups and thier impact on NMAs" [Ordnance Survey]
Anand. S (2010) " Automated generalization and cartographic modelling" [Ordnance Survey]
Anand .S (2009 ) Data Capture, modelling, and visualisation for ubiquitous LBS" [Ordnance Survey]
Professional/ Industry Publications:
Anand .S , (2009) "Emerging Role of Open Source Geospatial Technologies in Geoinformatics", Geospatial Today
Anand. S, " (2008) Trends in GIS Research", GIS Professional, Issue 22, ISSN 1748-3646
Anand. S, " (2008) Open Source and E-Learning" , Geoconnextions-UK, Volume 6, Issue 3
Anand S, "(2008) Widening participation in GIS conferences using webcasting technologies", Geoconnextions-UK
Anand S, (2008) "Geospatial technologies for utility mapping and water distribution", Specialist Engineering, Ten Alps Publishing
Swan J, Foerster T, Lemmens R, Hobona G, Anand S, Jackson M, "Persistent Geospatial Testbed for Europe", (2008) GeoConnextions-International, Volume 7, Issue 10
Anand.S., (2002) "GIS in Design and Asset Management of Water Distribution Networks" , GISIndia , ISSN 0972-5776, Vol. 11, No 7
Other Publications and Presentations:
Anand.S, (2009)"Open Source Geospatial trends in government and National Mapping Agencies", Ordnance Survey's Cambridge Conference Exchange
Anand.S, Hobona G, Jackson M,(2009) "Role of Open Source GIS in sustainable development initiatives", Reflections in Water Symposium, University of Nottingham
Hobona G, Jackson M, Anand.S, (2009)"Location based discovery of geoscientific datasets during fieldwork", 6th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography , University of Nottingham
Anand.S, Swan.J, Hobona G, (2008)"Open Source Geospatial Software tools", Geospatial Web Services Workshop, University of Nottingham
Swan. J, Anand. S, Jackson. J, Hobona. H, (2008)"Map schematization use case for OGC-EuroSDR-AGILE Persistent Test Bed for Europe",Geospatial Web Services Workshop, University of Nottingham
Anand.S, Jackson.M, (2007)"Mobile GIS - technological and management issues", Network for Management and Technology Integration (Net4MTI), Nottingham
Anand.S,(2007) "Interdisciplinary research in practice: Casestudy in MobileGIS", Exploring Avenues to Cross-Disciplinary Research Conference, Nottingham
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Sharples.S, Nixon.J, (2005) "Human factor considerations in Mobile GIS: Schematic mapping perspective", Disaster Management and Mitigation: The Role of Geospatial Interoperability, RICS, London
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E., (2005) "Automated schematic map generalization for MobileGIS Applications", IEEE/IEE/EPSRC Postgraduate Research Conference in Electronics, Photonics, Communications & Networks and Computing Science, PREP 2005, University of Lancaster, Lancaster
Ware, J.M., Anand.S, (2004) "Automatic generation of schematic maps using simulated annealing", School of Computing Technical Report 2004, University of Glamorgan
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E.,(2005) “Schematic Maps for Data Volume Reduction of Large Scale Datasets for Location Based Service Applications” , EPSRC 6th Annual Postgraduate Symposium on the convergence of telecommunications, networking and broadcasting , School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, John Moore University, Liverpool
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E., (2005) "Automated generation of PDA tailored maps from OSMasterMap" , RGS-IBG Mid Term Conference , University of Nottingham, Nottingham
Anand.S, Ware.J.M., (2004) "Map Generalization for OSMasterMap Data in Mobile GIS Applications", IEEE/IEE/EPSRC Postgraduate Research Conference in Electronics, Photonics, Communications & Networks and Computing Science, University of Hertfordshire, pp 129-130, Herts, 2004
Anand.S, Ware.J.M., (2004) "Map Generalization for Mobile GIS Applications", Third Annual Doctoral Seminar, University of Glamorgan, ISBN 1-903851-07-6
Anand.S, Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E.,(2004) “Map Generalization for data volume reduction of large scale datasets for mobile GIS applications” , EPSRC 5th Annual Postgraduate Symposium on the convergence of telecommunications, networking and broadcasting , School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, John Moore University, ISBN 1-9025-6010-8, pp 20-23, Liverpool
Anand.S, Ware.J.M., (2003) "Map Generalization for Location Based Services using Small Screen Display Devices" , IEEE/IEE/IoP/EPSRC Postgraduate Research Conference in Electronics, Photonics, Communications & Networks and Computing Science, , University of Exeter, Exeter
Anand.S., (2002) "GIS in the Analysis, Design and Asset Management of Intermittent Water Distribution Systems", Masters Dissertation, City University ,London
Research Activities:
My research activities and publications have been focussed around the following topics:
Invited lectures and talks:
Anand.S, "Open Source GIS Research and developments", University of Newcastle, Newcastle, 2011
Anand.S, "Geospatial mashups and Open Source GIS in government", Public Sector Forums Conference, Nottingham, 2009
Anand .S , "How to unlock the massive profits the value-chain can make from digital mapping services", Telematics Detroit, USA, 2008
Anand .S , " Open Source geospatial tools and interoperability research", Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) UK, 2008
Anand .S , "Geospatial interoperability in MobileGIS and LBS technologies", Shepherd University, West Virginia, USA, 2008
Anand .S , "Research trends in automated generalization and geospatial web services" Nottingham Trent University, 2008
Anand .S , "Agent based generalization for geospatial datasets - issues and opportunities ", University of Bath, 2007
Anand .S , "Research trends in automated map generalization", University College London (UCL),2007
Anand .S , "Mobile location based technologies", University of Nottingham , 2006
Anand .S , "Schematic maps for small screen mobile devices", City University, London, 2006
Anand .S , "Remote sensing and GIS", Institute of Remote Sensing (IRS), Madras, 2005
Anand .S , "Metaheuristic optimization techniques", Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, 2005
Anand .S , IEEE Lecture on “Integration of Wireless Technologies with GIS and GPS Systems”, Indian Institute of Information Technology, (IIITB) Bangalore,2005
Anand .S Ware.J.M, "Automated schematic maps for utilities - Mobile GIS perspective",AGI Cymru 7th Annual Conference, Cardiff, 2005
Anand .S , "Mobile GIS and Location Based Services", Indian Institute of Information Technology, (IIITH) Hyderabad, 2004
Anand .S , "Geospatial tools in water engineering", Indian Institute of Technology (IITM), Madras,2004
Anand .S , Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E., "Map Generalization for LBS Applications- An OSMasterMap Perspective" , ESRC/NERC/EPSRC Transdisciplinary Seminar Series Wireless GIS and Location Based Services Conference , University of Bristol, 2004
House of Commons Presentation:
Anand .S , Ware.J.M, Taylor.G.E., "Map Generalization for Mobile GIS" , National Showcase of British Science, Engineering and Technology (SET04) , House of Commons, London, 2004
Editorial Board:
Professional Services:
ICA Commission on Geospatial Data Standards
Chair of ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies
International Steering Committee member of LBS & TeleCartography Conference Series
Reviewer for International Journal for Geographical Information Science (Taylor & Francis)
Reviewer for Computers and Geosciences (Elsevier)
Scientific Committee for 8th International Symposium on Location-Based Services, Vienna, 2011
Programme Committee of 15th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Avignon, France, 2012
Scientific Committee for 9th International Symposium on Location-Based Services, 2012
Programme Committee of the 14th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2011
Scientific Committee of Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G 2010), Barcelona
Chair of Open Source GIS Conference Series
Reviewer for Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
Scientific Committee for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G 2009), Sydney
GIS Research Community moderator for The Open Source Observatory and Repository for European public administrations (OSOR)
Editorial board of Journal of Geography and Geology (CCSE) (2009 -2011)
Reviewer for Journal of Spatial Information Science (JOSIS)
ICA Commission on Geospatial Analysis and Modeling
Programme Committee of 13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Guimarães, Portugal, 2010
Programme Committee of International gvSIG Conference, Valencia, 2011
Scientific Committee of 6th International Symposium on LBS & Telecartography 2009
Programme Committee for Geospatial computing for the arts, humanities and cultural heritage workshop, 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Oxford, 2009
Reviewer of International Journal of Digital Earth (Taylor & Francis)
Scientific Committee of 8th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS) 2008
Programme Committee of Geospatial Science Forum 2009
Chair of 6th International symbosium of LBS and Telecartography 2009
Programme committee for IEEE Geospatial computing for the arts,humanities and cultural heritage , Oxford 2009
Reviewer for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference 2008
Chair of Geospatial Web Services 2008
Reviewer for International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE) Summit 2008
Reviewer for the Spatial Analysis for Business Conference 2008
Programme Committee of 7th International Symposium on Web and Wireless GIS 2007
Reviewer for Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Journal of Water Management
Conference Committee for Exploring avenues for Cross-Disciplinary Research Conference 2007
List Owner JISCmail discussion list LBS-UK (specifically for MobileGIS and Location Based Service area)
Reviewer for Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) Journal
Working Group member of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ISPRS WG IV/8 "Spatial Data Integration for Emergency Services"
Reviewer for Journal for Location Based Services (Taylor & Francis)
Scientific Committee of GIS4EU Towards Inspire Workshop, Székesfehérvár, Hungary 2009
Conference/Events Organisation :
6th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography
Exploring avenues for Cross-Disciplinary Research Conference
Geospatial Webservices workshop
Ordnance Survey Geospatial Mashup Challenge 2009
Ordnance Survey Think Tank on " Data Capture, modelling, and visualisation for ubiquitous LBS"
Ordnance Survey Think Tank on " Crowd source data capture, geospatial mashups and thier impact on NMAs"
Ordnance Survey Think Tank on " Automated generalization and cartographic modelling"
Wearable Personal Sensing Workshop 2010
HealthGIS 2010
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)International Cartographic Association (ICA)
International Geographical Union (IGU)
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
Association of Geographic Information (AGI)
Cartography and Geographic Information Society
Open Research Society (ORS)
Service-Oriented Software Research Network (SOSoRNET)
Other activities:
Active volunteer of National Service Scheme during my student days in India aiming to bring fruits of education and technology to reach the weaker sections of the society.
Active supporter and contributer of Open Source Geospatial Foundation
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Last updated : 5 Oct 2012