Dr. Richard Field

Dr Richard Field

MA (Oxford)
(Imperial College, London)

Tel: 0115 - 84 66146
Fax: 0115 - 95 15249

My official website


My main interests are biogeography, conservation, macroecology and plant ecology, with particular focus on biodiversity and the forces that structure ecological communities.

You may also be interested in my free online tutor of basic statistical concepts and techniques: Statistics – An Intuitive Introduction.


Part of the Environmental and Geomorphological Sciences Research Theme.

Research interests include:

  • Modelling and prediction of patterns of species richness, particularly of trees in southern Africa, Kenya and globally.
  • Conservation and biodiversity research in the tropical forests of Honduras
  • Island biogeography and community structure on Krakatau, Indonesia. (Link to Anak Krakatau page on Volcano Live web site)

Recent Publications
Please click here for more information.
  • Patterns of Life
  • Research Methods (masters)
  • Scale and Diversity in the Canary Islands
  • Foundations of Environmental Management (masters)
  • Earth & Environmental Dynamics
  • Techniques in Physical Geography
  • Midlands Consortium (PhD training)
  • Field course (2000 cohort click here for unofficial Mallorca website)
  • Teaching Committee (School of Geography)
  • Natural Sciences officer (School of Geography)
  • Member of PGCHE Management Board (University)
Research Students

Click here for class SAM data file

Click here for SAM handout (April 2010 session)

School staff list My official web page