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Mount sections in aqueous mountant

The mountant of choice is phosphate buffered glycerin jelly pre-warmed to approximately 48°C on a hot plate.

1. After enzyme histochemical technique has been performed, remove coverslips from columbia jar usually containing distilled water.

2. Dry the coverslips between post-lip fluff free paper in alphabetical order. (Patient surname).

3. Make out slides with appropriate labels ie number and name.

4. Carefully place 2 drops of phosphate buffered glycerin jelly onto the slide using a disposable stirring rod. Lower the stained coverslip carefully and at an angle to the slide (BEWARE OF SETTING AT ROOM TEMPERATURE). Immediately remove any air bubbles present before setting of the mountant.


Each coverslip is mounted separately with special attention being given to coverslip identification AS THEY CANNOT BE LABELLED.

If bubbles remain, a common complaint, place the slide for a short time on the hot plate, melting the mountant, and then the coverslip can be carefully removed and placed in distilled water to remove excess mountant. Then repeat the procedure.

Coverslip maps are useful when carrying out enzyme histochemical methods on multiple cases. Make sure the cases are in alphabetical order.

NOTE: No responsibility is assumed by The University of Nottingham or the Queens Medical Centre NHS Trust for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. It is the users responsibilty to ensure that all procedures are carried out according to appropriate Health and Safety requirements.

© Copyright 1997 University of Nottingham Medical School Division of Histopathology. This page was last built on Mon, May 5, 1997 with Frontier. Thanks for looking in. Comments to James.Lowe@nottingham.ac.uk