/ Meghan Gray's homepage

Research Interests | Professional History | Recent Publications | Public Outreach | STAGES

Meghan GrayDr. Meghan Gray

Welcome to my homepage!  I am an STFC Advanced Research fellow and Associate Professor in the astronomy group in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Nottingham.

I am the advisor for current Nottingham postgraduate students who wish to speak to a female member of staff on any issues related to postgraduate study. Please feel welcome to get in touch.

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Contact Details

Room B106c
Cripps Centre for Astronomy and Particle Theory
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham  NG7 2RD
United Kingdom

tel:  +44 (0)115 8467315
fax:  +44 (0)115 8466070

email:  Meghan.Gray [at] nottingham.ac.uk

Research Interests Professional History
I am an observational extragalactic astronomer with interests in galaxy evolution and large-scale structure.  I employ tools such as gravitational lensing to trace distributions of dark matter on large scales, and I use multiwavelength observations to examine the luminous properties of galaxies.  

STAGES logo With the goal of linking galaxy properties with detailed knowledge of their environments, I am leading the STAGES survey:  a 0.5x0.5 degree HST/ACS survey of the A901/902 supercluster to study galaxy evolution in dense environments. 

The Nottingham astronomy group hosted a conference on galaxy evolution and environment in March 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:

2013 -- present

STFC Advanced Fellow and Associate Professor,
University of Nottingham
2008 -- 2013

STFC Advanced Fellow and Lecturer,
University of Nottingham
2006 -- 2009

Fixed Term Lecturer, University of Nottingham
2004 -- 2006

Anne McLaren Fellow, University of Nottingham
2001 -- 2004
PPARC fellow, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
1997 -- 2001
PhD, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University
1993 -- 1997
BSc, Mount Allison University, Sackville NB, Canada

CV:  [ pdf ]
Publications: [ custom ADS query ]

F34RTA: Research Techniques in Astronomy

F34FIP: Frontiers in Physics

Selected recent publications
Public Outreach

Galaxy Cluster Mass Reconstruction Project: I. Methods and first results on galaxy-based techniques

L. Old, R.A. Skibba, F.R. Pearce, D. Croton, S. Muldrew, et al., (2014):  MNRAS, accepted (arxiv:1403.4610)

Brighter galaxy bias: underestimating the velocity dispersions of galaxy clusters

L. Old, M.E. Gray, F.R. Pearce (2013):  MNRAS, 434, 2606

Tully-Fisher analysis of the multiple cluster system Abell 901/902

B. Boesch, A. Boehm et al. (2013):  A&A, 554, 97

Ram pressure and dusty red galaxies - key factors in the evolution of the multiple cluster system Abell 901/902

B. Boesch, A. Boehm, et al. (2013):   A&A 549, 142

AGN host galaxies at redshift z ~ 0.7: peculiar or not?

A. Boehm + STAGES (2013), A&A, 549, 46

Antitruncated stellar light profiles in the outer regions of STAGES spiral galaxies: bulge or disc related?

D. Maltby, et al. (2012) MNRAS, 420, 2475

STAGES galaxies

STAGES galaxies
I am happy to give talks to schools, astronomy societies, and other groups on aspects of dark matter, gravitational lensing, large astronomical telescopes, and careers in astronomy.

Please contact me if you would like to arrange a talk, or see what other outreach activities are on offer from the School of Physics and Astronomy.

You can read general descriptions about my research areas here:

Sixty Symbols

I'm a regular contributor to Sixty Symbols: a video project by filmmaker Brady Haran and scientist at the University of Nottingham about the symbols of Physics and Astronomy.  I've also appeared in many of Brady's other popular channels, including Deep Sky Videos, Numberphile, Nottingham Science, and Periodic Videos.


The full STAGES Hubble Space Telescope mosaic is made up of 80 images taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys, and covers an area approximately the size of the full moon on the sky.  When stitched together digitally, the final image consists for over 5 billion pixels and contains images of over 60 000 galaxies.  

In order to enjoy the full beauty of these images interactively, STAGES team member Knud Jahnke has developed the Skywalker tool.  Click here to take a walk through the STAGES neighbourhood!

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maintained by Meghan Gray
updated March 2013