

Wirral Olsok Detailed Route

START. St. Mary. St. Helen.  Church Lane, Fork right, come to gate cross gate, across field (cinder track along a road of trees to right. Left onto old railway line (or straight across and across a field then left onto Qld Quay land then right along track towards Old Quay) and then after 30 yards branch off right on wiggly track, through some trees then more trees on left down to the Old Quay and coastal track, after 100 yards path become track and reaches road marked Quayside, carry along past Harp pub, another 80 yards or so Denhall Quay, 100 yards or so road peters out to a coastal path again, 250 yards becomes Denhall Lane,  200 yards or so Denhall Farm on left with blueish roves, 250 yards becomes Station Road at T-junct. (Denhall Lane goes off to left), along coastal Station Road for 150 yards then a trangle fork left (still Station Road, 120 yards cross the old railway line, 100 yards past Dovecote Nurseries.


Along Station Road. After 450 yards Neston road joins from left. 200 yards Station Road becomes “The Village” Just before “The Rake” going off on left, Burton Manor (University of Chester) is to the left. STOP POINT: Refreshments, toilets.  100 yards turn left, Puddington Lane.  250 yards do not take road going off to left. 300 yards fork off Puddington Lane at Harding Farm and then past the Priest House on the right. 150 yards cut through another farm with pair of kissing gates and then at end of yard (after 30 yards) turn left for 50 yards, right for 30 yards and fork right back onto Puddington Lane again.  250 yards fork right (Chapel House Lane). After 150 yards Chapel House Lane bends sharply to right – carry straight on along a track, takes you round a factory to the right, then after 150 yards turn left across that field for 100 yards, the cross field more or less diagonally keeping to track and past the pylon behind the little ponds which will be to your left, Across to the hedges and follow the hedges left for 180 yards until the field. Corner. Left through tress to next field dogleg right 20 yards and left along the hedge/track for 200 yards come to edge of Shotwick. Right onto Hall lane for 200 yards then right at T-junct with  Shotwick Lane, past the church after 100 yards then onto track , 250 yards cross brook (Welsh border), 250 yards come to Welsh Road. Cross carefully onto Green Lane East. After 700 yards join cycleway, STOP POINT.


300 yards under Old Sealand Road. 900 yards back across border.  400 yards start to cut through Blacon. 900 yards (after under about 2 road bridges) enter canal towpath.  500 yards the Basin. 300 yards wall surns 90deg south. 350 yards lave wall (turn left for 20 yards then right onto St. Johns Street.  100 yards merges onto Little John Street as we turn right, on the left after 30 yards you can see Souters lane, 100 yards on right you can see Wolf gate STOP POINT. Down Volunteer Street dogleg right then left bend left onto Albion Street then right at Duke Street. At Lower Bridge Street turn right, St.Olaves is on the right.  END (Cross Keys Pub is next door)


Some maps:


Start: Nesstún (Church of St. Mary and St. Helen)


The Church is very close to Neston Railway Station  At the Church of St. Mary and St. Helen you will see fragments of the magnificient 10th century Viking crosses at Neston some depicting scenes in the life of a local Viking couple


Stage 1: Neston (Nesstún) – Old Quay, Denhall (Danirwella)

Meet St. Mary and St. Helen Church at 9.30 am


10am: Leave at the back of the Church and follow the pathway which leads to the Old Quay.



Stage 2: Old Quay, Danirwella – Burton

Dovecote Nurseries along Station Road







Stage 3: Burton-Puddington-Shotvík


Stop point Burton Manor Hall

Please note this year there is NO stop point at Puddington



Stage 4: Shotvík - Chester Cycleway (disused railway) – Canal towpath at Blacon
Care needed around the A548/A550 (Welsh Road), and mind the cyclists!
Viking walk 1
Stop point where we join the cycleway

Viking walk 2

Stop point (start of Stage 5) where we leave the cycle way and join the towpath


Stage 5: Cycle path – Canal Towpath – City Wall




Stage 6:  - Telford’s Warehouse (8) onto City Walls (heading East then South), past the Cathedral and Amphitheatre.  Then Duke Street, Lower Bridge Street, and St. Olave’s.  You’ve made it!






St. Olave’s