School of English

Fund Raising for Kenyan Junior School

The English School and English Society ran a charity book sale and cake sale in November and December and raised £501.60 to pay the cost of a teacher's salary at Upendo Junior School in Kenya. This is a school run by Masibo Lumala who completed his PhD in 2007.

Masibo Lumala extended his thanks to the staff and students in the School:
May I take this opportunity to thank Becs and all members of the School Office who are currently running a cake sale until 11 December 2009. We are grateful to all those who will make the cake sale possible by baking and donating cakes to the office. I have no doubt this takes a lot of time and it is a huge sacrifice on the part of everyone involved.  I would wish to assure you and our well-wishers that the money raised from these charitable activities will go towards paying Miss Pamela Nasambu Wasike, a 26-year old talented teacher at Upendo Junior School. Pamela is both a wonderful classroom teacher and a games overseer. She too helps with keeping our children's records because she is the only computer-literate among the 6 teachers in the school.So we will need her to train other teachers on how to use computers in the teaching process once we get electricity into the school by the end of this year. In order to keep her at Upendo Junior School, we will be paying her 40 pounds a month effective January 2010. We would certainly not manage this on our own hence your generous contributions are greatly appreciated."

If you are interested in making a donation to the Upendo Junior School in Kenya please contact Rebecca Peck in the School Office for further information.  

More information about Upendo Junior School, Kenya

Information about students from the School of English Studies visiting Kenya in the summer of 2010

Christmas newsletter from Masibo Lumala, Director of the Upendo Junior School, Kenya


Posted on Tuesday 24th November 2009

School of English

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