
We are here to help you if you have a disability, mental health difficulty, long-term medical condition, autistic spectrum condition, or a specific learning difference such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia or ADHD. Our student-led support enables students with Support Plans to flourish as independent learners.


student helper speaking with an applicant and their family

Applicant and offer-holder FAQs

If you are considering applying to Nottingham or hold an offer, take a look at our guidance and FAQs

student helper directing

Arrange a Support Plan

Find out, step-by-step, how to arrange reasonable adjustments for your assessments and teaching

cherry tree lodge on university park campus

Contact Disability Support Services

Have a question? Find out how to contact us and book an appointment

sutton bonnington gardens

A-Z of Support for your studies

Take a look at the support options available to you and access and inclusion information.

jubilee campus lake

Key considerations by disability

Check out our 'things to think about' for different disabilities and long-term conditions

university park campus landscape

Alternative exam arrangements

Make sure you are aware of the deadlines for arranging your Support Plan



Have a Support Plan? Sign up for events and workshops, book appointments with the team and find useful resources


The LearningWell (Moodle)

If you have a specific learning difference (eg dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD), take a look at our informal study skills workshops


Disability Support Guide (Moodle)

If you have a Support Plan, check out our guidance to help you transition to university study