Journal article | 2025 | Ken Starkey; Sue Tempest (2025)., "The Business School and the End of History: Re-imagining Management Education" Academy of Management Learning and Education, Vol. 24(1), forthcoming
Journal article | 2024 | C. Hemingway, K. Starkey (2024)., "Authenticity, Craftsmanship and Character in the Artworks of Grayson Perry" Business Ethics Quarterly, forthcoming
Journal article | 2021 | Ken Starkey, Gerry Johnson (2021)., "How Management Academics Locked Themselves in an Iron Cage" EFMD Global Focus, forthcoming
Journal article | 2021 | Starkey, K; Holstein, J; Tempest, S (2021)., "Xenophobia, the unconscious, the public sphere and Brexit" European Management Review, Vol. Vol 18 (1), pp. 25-35
Journal article | 2020 | Segrestin, B.; Hatchuel, A.; Starkey, K. (2020)., "Captains of Industry? Value Allocation and the Partnering Effect of Managerial Discretion" Management and Organizational History, forthcoming
Journal article | 2020 | Nyberg, D; Starkey, K (2020)., "'Living at the border of poverty': How theater actors maintain their calling through narrative identity work" Human Relations, pp. 1-26
Journal article | 2019 | Starkey, K; Tempest, S; Cinque, S. (2019)., "Management education and the theatre of the absurd" Management Learning, Vol. 50/5, 591-606
Journal article | 2019 | Starkey, K; Thomas H. (2019)., "The future of business schools: shut them down or broaden our horizons?" EFMD Global Focus, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 44-49
Journal article | 2019 | Lejeune, C,; Starkey, K,; Kalika, M; Tempest, S,; (2019)., "The impact of business schools: increasing the range of strategic choices" Management International, Vol. 23 (2), pp. 88-98
Conference Contribution/ Proceedings | 2018 | Holstein, J., Starkey, K. (2018)., "The carnival of Brexit: Destabilizing the status quo and the emerging narrative for change", at 7th European Theory Development Workshop in Organization and Management Theory:WU Vienna University of Economics and Business June 28th-29th, 2018
Conference Contribution/ Proceedings | 2018 | Holstein, J., Starkey, K., Vaara, E., Wright, M. (2018)., "A process perspective on strategy using Bakhtin", at 10th International Process Symposium:Theme: About Time: Temporality and History in Organization Studies. 20-23 June 2018. Porto Carras Grand Resort, Halkidiki, Greece
Journal article | 2018 | Holstein, J; Starkey, K; Wright, M. (2018)., "Strategy and Narrative in Higher Education" Strategic Organization, Vol. 16/1, pp. 61-91
Journal article | 2017 | Hemingway, C,; Starkey, K. (2017)., "A falling of the Veils: Turning Points and Momentous Turning Points in Leadership and the Creation of CSR" Journal of Business Ethics
Authored book | 2016 | Blyton, P,; Hassard, J,; Hill, S; and Starkey, K. (2016)., Time, Work and Organisation, Routledge, forthcoming
Journal article | 2016 | Starkey, K.; Pettigrew, A. (2016)., "The legitimacy and impact of business schools: key issues and a research agenda" Academy of Management Learning and Education, Vol. 15 (4), pp. 649-664
Journal article | 2016 | Barnatt, C.; Starkey, K.; Tempest, S. (2016)., "Remember Icarus: Seven risks that threaten business schools" Journal of Future Studies, Vol. 21(1), 63-76
Journal article | 2015 | Starkey, K. (2015)., "The strange absence of management during the current financial crisis" Academy of Management Review, Vol. 40, pp. 652-663
Journal article | 2015 | Rommes, G.; Avenier, M.; Denyer, D.; Hodgkinson, G.; Pdanza, K.; Starkey, K.; Worren, N. (2015)., "Towards common ground and trading zones in management research and practice" British Journal of Management, Vol. 26, pp. 544-559
Conference Contribution/ Proceedings | 2015 | Starkey, K.; Tempest, S. (2015)., "The narrative of the Business School: A deconstructionist and design perspective,", at EFMD Special Interest Group on design theory, Paris, 9th November
Conference Contribution/ Proceedings | 2015 | Lejeune, C.; Starkey, K.; Kalika, M.; Tempest, S. (2015)., "The impact of business schools: Conceptual framework and practices", at EFMD Higher Educations Research Conference, Oxford, 3-4 June
Report for external body | 2014 | Starkey, K.; Lejeune, C. (2014)., "Back down to earth? Business school leadership in a time of disruption", in Building the Leadership Capacity of UK Business Schools, London: Association of Business Schools.
Chapter in book | 2014 | Starkey, K.; Hatchuel, A. (2014)., "Back to the future of the Business School", in Management Research: Conjectures and Future Directions, Oxford University Press
Journal article | 2014 | Bondy, K.; Starkey, K. (2014)., "The Dilemmas of Internationalization: Corporate Social Responsibility in the MNC" British Journal of Management, Vol. 24 (1), pp. 4-22
Chapter in book | 2014 | Tempest, S.; Starkey, K. (2014)., "Dynamic Capabilities", in Encyclopedia of Management - Strategic Management, (120132), 1-5, Wiley