Nottingham University Business School

Tony Watson

Image of Tony Watson
BA (London), MSc (Loughborough), PhD (Nottingham)
Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Work and Org.

Department: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management

Tony Watson an organisational sociologist whose work focuses on 'real practices' in the organisational and managerial world with a significant proportion of his research and consultancy having been carried out by actually joining management teams in organisations.

He started his business career in Rolls-Royce, carrying out academic research at the same time as co-ordinating a major organisational change. Later, in the 1990s, he worked on secondment for a year as a senior manager in GEC-Plessey Telecommunications. This led to the writing of the highly influential and much cited participant-observation ethnography, In Search of Management (1994) - which has sold well over 10,000 copies. Alongside research articles and the other research monographs The Personnel Managers (1977) and The Emergent Manager (1999), there have been several textbooks, including Organising and Managing Work (2nd edition 2006) and Sociology, Work and Organisation, 7th edition 2017).

Recent work focuses on applying the four concepts of self-identity, social-identity, persona and identity-work to people's involvement in work organisations. Stress is put on the advantages of setting these and other issues within pragmatic realist and emergent-relational methodological and theoretical frames of reference.



Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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