Journal article | 2025 | Hung, H-Y, Kumar, A., Kumar, V., Lin, C-C, Tan, K.H. (2025)., "Exploring Player Cocreation Dynamics on the Gaming Platform: Interplay of Goal Fulfillments, Orchestration Actions, and Platform Affordances" International Journal of Research in Marketing, forthcoming
Journal article | 2024 | Tian, S.; Wang, M.; Wu, L.; Kumar, A.; Kim Hua Tan (2024)., "Sustainability diffusion in the Chinese semiconductor industry: a stakeholder salience perspective" International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 279, 109470
Journal article | 2024 | Wu, L.; Subramanian, N.; Pawar, K. S.; Wang, M.; Kumar, A.; Tan, K. H. (2024)., "A paradoxical perspective on the time dimension of corporate sustainability: having both finite and infinite mindsets to play the game" Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 480, 144082
Journal article | 2024 | Tong, Y., Li. Y., Ye, F. Kumar, A., Tan, K.H. (2024)., "Contract preference of an online intermediary in the presence of online reviews and cross-channel spillover" Managerial and Decision Economics
Journal article | 2024 | Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P. Tate, W., Tan, K.H. (2024)., "Value creation across organizational borders: towards a value gap theory" European Business Review
Journal article | 2024 | Tsang, Y.P., Ma., H., Tan, K.H., Lee, C.K.M. (2024)., "A joint sustainable order-packing vehicle routing optimisation for the cold chain e-fulfilment" Annals of Operations Research
Journal article | 2024 | Sun, Z., Ji.G., Tan, K.H. (2024)., "Advance selling and service cancelation when consumers are overconfident" Kybernetes, forthcoming
Journal article | 2024 | Li, Y.; Cui, L.; Wu, L.; Lowry, P. B.; Kumar, A. Tan, K. H. (2024)., "Digitalization and network capability as enablers of business model innovation and sustainability performance: the moderating effect of environmental dynamism" Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 39(4), 687-715
Journal article | 2023 | Su, I.; Wu, L., Tan, K. H. (2023)., "The future of the food supply chain: a systematic literature review and research directions towards sustainability, resilience, and technology adoption" Journal of Digital Economy, Vol. 2, pp. 303-316
Discussion Paper | 2023 | Tan, K.H. (2023)., "BUILDING SUPPLY CHAIN RESILIENCE WITH DIGITALIZATION", ADBI Working Paper Series No. 1389, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, 1389
Journal article | 2023 | Gunawan, I., Trihastuti, D, Kumar, A., TAN, K.H. (2023)., "Integrated DANP and binary goal programming model in generating joint-decision making for packaging postponement and supplier selection" Annals of Operations Research, forthcoming
Journal article | 2023 | Pitakaso, R., Sethanan, K. Tan, K.H., Kumar, A. (2023)., "A Decision Support System based on an Artificial Multiple Intelligence System for Vegetable Crop Land Allocation Problem" Annals of Operations Research
Journal article | 2023 | Wu, L. H., Ulhas, K. R., Tan, K. H., & Wu, L. (2023)., "The S Curve: A Dynamic View of in ERP Evaluation" The Engineering Economist, 1-20
Conference Contribution/ Proceedings | 2023 | Tan, K. H., Katayama, H., Manickavasagam.S. (2023)., "What is Karakuri Kaizen and How Does it Work?", at Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Production Research Americas, pp 25-32.
Journal article | 2023 | Jia, Y.; Su, J.; Cui, L.; Wu, L.; Tan, K. H. (2023)., "Platform business model innovation in the digitalization era: a "driver-process-result" perspective" Journal of Business Research, Vol. 160, 113818
Journal article (Editorial) | 2023 | Wamba, S. F., Queiroz, M.M.. Tan, K.H., Huo, B. (2023)., "Digital transformation strategy and impacts during emergency situations" Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 123, 1
Journal article | 2023 | H, Liu and Tan, K.H. (2023)., "The Viewer Value Co-Creation Process on Sport Live-Streaming Platforms" Industrial Management and Data Systems, forthcoming
Journal article | 2023 | Ouyang, Y, Ye, F., Tan, K.H. (2023)., "The effect of strategic synergy between local and neighborhood environmental regulations on green innovation efficiency: The perspective of industrial transfer" Journal of Cleaner Production, forthcoming
Journal article | 2023 | Cui, L.; Wu, H.; Wu, L.; Kumar, A.; Tan, K. H. (2023)., "Investigating the relationship between digital technologies, supply chain integration and firm resilience in the context of COVID-19" Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 327, pp. 825-853
Journal article | 2022 | Liu, H, Tan, K.H., Wu, X. (2022)., "Who's watching? Classifying sports viewers on social live streaming services" Annals of Operations Research
Journal article | 2022 | Fjellstrom, D., Hilletofth, P., Fang, T., Kumar, V., Kumar, A. Tan, K.H. (2022)., "Manufacturing Relocation ambiguity model: a prerequisite for knowledge management" British Journal of Management, forthcoming
Journal article | 2022 | Liu H; Tan, K.H.; Kumar, A.; Kumar, S.; Chung, L. (2022)., "Value Co-Creation in Sports Live Streaming Platforms: A Microfoundations perspective" IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, forthcoming
Journal article | 2022 | Soomro, M, Ali, MH, Tan, K.H., Kumar, A. (2022)., "Workforce resilience in the post-COVID-19 era: differences based on manufacturingâ�"service orientation and firm size" Production Planning and Control, forthcoming
Journal article | 2022 | Ji,G.; Yu, M.; Tan, K.H.; Kumar, A.; Gupta, S. (2022)., "Decision optimization in cooperation innovation: the impact of big data analytics capability and cooperative modes" Annals of Operations Research, forthcoming
Journal article | 2022 | Ji,G., Fu, T., Chen, J, Tan, K.H. (2022)., "Optimal Online Service Strategy and Price Decision in Omnichannel Retail" Mathematical Problems in Engineering, forthcoming