Careers and Employability Service
Services for current students

Careers appointments

Female careers adviser talking with a male student

You can talk to a member of staff about any aspect of your future. Whether you are unclear about your options, already focused on what you want to do or somewhere in between, we're here to help.

You can:


Bookable appointments - in person or online

You can book an appointment to talk about any career-related query, for example

  • exploring careers if you don't have any ideas
  • finding out about further study
  • taking time out after your degree
  • securing an internship or year-long placement
  • tailoring your CV or job application

Availability of appointments

  • On-the-day 20-minute appointments are available listed as Quick Query appointments
  • All other appointments are released two weeks in advance

Requesting adjustments

  • If you require reasonable adjustments please contact us ahead of your appointment
Business School postgraduates

In-person drop-in sessions - open to all students, no need to book

For these 10-minute sessions, pop along to the following locations between the times stated to meet an adviser. They are only offered during teaching weeks.

Mondays between 12-2pm

  • Our office on Level D, Portland Building, University Park Campus (above the Student Services Centre)

Tuesdays between 12-2pm:

  • Exchange Building on Jubilee Campus

Wednesdays between 12-2pm

  • Ground Floor in the George Green Library, University Park Campus


  • Our office on Level D, Portland Building, University Park Campus (above the Student Services Centre) 12-2pm
  • The Burrow, The Barn on Sutton Bonington Campus between 12.30-1.30pm

Online drop-in sessions on Fridays

Available during teaching weeks only, use the links below to ask your question.

Go to the Engineering team's drop-in page on Microsoft Teams between 1pm and 2pm

Go to the Science team's drop-in page on Microsoft Teams between 1pm and 2 pm

The availability of appointments, the variety of discussion topics, and the practical and effective advice offered by the advisers have been very helpful throughout my studies, postgraduate studies and current job search.

Despite being a master's graduate from another university, I continue to choose the University of Nottingham Careers Team for guidance.
Tatiana Papadopoulou, BA Hons Politics and International Relations graduate

Careers and Employability Service

University of Nottingham
Portland Building, Level D
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 3680
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3679