Careers and Employability Service
Services for current students

Finding a job

I got the job! Thank you for all your help and support throughout my job search, you were so helpful and kept me positive!
Lauren Cooke, Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Surgery (2023)
Vet examining the hoof of a horse

What are my options?

Find out about your career options as a newly qualified vet

Woman being interview by two people

CVs, applications and interviews

Our top tips on how to prepare for the veterinary recruitment and selection process

Two students examining a dog in a vet surgery

Choosing your first job

Advice on what to consider when choosing your first job after graduation


Careers and Employability Service

University of Nottingham
Portland Building, Level D
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 3680
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3679