Chaplaincy and Faith Support


Living Library

Event Listings

10 March

Conversation Cafe - University Mental Health Day

What was the last conversation that changed your life? The best conversations don't have to happen by accident. They can happen when we show up with our whole selves, when we are at both our most curious and our most brave. A Conversation Cafe is a gathering where we do just that.

Through presentations and discussion we curate brilliant conversations that might just change your life. We will be providing a space for students and faculty members of any faith to come together for a conversation and a hot drink. This will include conversations about mental health and wellbeing, as well as signposting where people can find further support if they wish to seek it. This will be a casual and informal event aiming to provide a friendly space where people feel comfortable sharing any worries or concerns they may have.

Location: Oasis, A29 Portland Building

Time: 7pm - 9pm

Book on StudentLife


12 March

Places of Worship Tour

Chaplaincy is organising a group visit to three local places of worship of different faiths in Nottingham. At each place we will be exploring the venue and then having a religious leader (eg vicar) talk about what kind of worship goes on there and how mental health, wellbeing and mindfulness ties into their faith. As well as providing practical information on wellbeing, this event also encourages people to come together and support each other.

Provisional schedule:

Meet @ Oasis A29 Portland Building for 12pm. 

12.30pm Beeston Mosque

2pm St Mary's in the Lace Market 

3pm Nottingham Buddhist Centre

This is a free event and the cost of tram travel to the venues will be covered.

Book on StudentLife


12 March

What is Ramadan

Join us in A29 Oasis, Portland Building, Univeristy Park for our annual Ramadan event to learn about Ramadan and the significance of this holy month. 

Learn what Ramadan means to fellow staff and students and share a fast-breaking, light refreshments and snacks provided. Join us from 5-6pm, for this free event with all students and staff welcome. 

Book on StudentLife


24 March 7-9pm

Easter - A Hope that Lasts

Join us for an evening of community and celebration, exploring the hope of Easter through a short talk, real student stories, music, crafts, and refreshments! 

Monday 24th March, 7-9pm, Cornerstone Church NG7 1FP


1 May - 12 June

The Bereavement Journey 

This course is ran each Thursday from 2-3:30pm, via Microsoft Teams. There are six main sessions, and a seventh optional session addressing faith questions. 

Each session addresses topics pertinent to journeying through grief, such as the pain of grief, how others respond, and finding a new reality.

Please email should you wish to register. The course is open to staff and students.



Regular Activities

Weekly Chaplaincy Activities

 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday

Globe Cafe 

A great place to make friends, chat and meet local people as well as enjoy cultural activities.

The Core Lounge, Newark Hall, Jubilee Campus 7:30pm-9pm

St Nic's Church City Centre, 79 Maid Marian Way, NG1 6AE 7.30pm-9pm

Beeston, Salthouse Lane, NG9 2FY 8pm-10pm

Orthodox Prayer Service


Chapel, A Floor, Portland Building.

Led by Fr Julian Lowe. All Welcome.

Contact Fr Julian for further details

Prayer During the Day

Time: 1.30pm-2pm

Location: Chapel, A-Floor Portland Building, University Park 


Women's group for partners of international students and scholars, children welcome!

Alternate Thursdays 1pm-2.30pm

Location: Beeston Free Church, Salthouse Lane, NG9 2FY


Time: 12pm-4pm

A relaxed afternon of crafting, chatting and refreshments. 

Location: Oasis, A29 Portland Building

Contact Sian Street for further details

Catholic Mass

Time: 11am

Location: The Great Hall, Trent Building, University Park 



Globe Cafe - Sutton Bonington

Time: 7-9 pm

Location: Postgraduate Centre, C Floor, The Barn, SB Campus

Beginning on Tuesday 24th September, a place for international students to meet, play games and learn about each other's cultures.


Catholic Mass

Time: 5pm

Location: Chapel, A-Floor Portland Building, University Park

Mosaic Group 

Sutton Bonington’s Mosaic Group for International Women meets every other Thursday during term time 1.30-3.30pm.

The lounge of Sutton Bonington Baptist Church, next to Post Office

Catholic Mass

 Time: 12pm

Location: B01 Open Prayer Room, Xu Yafen Building, Jubilee Campus




Ecumenical Group 

Fellowship, topical conversations, refreshments and prayer. Holy Communion every first Tuesday of the month.

Time: 5pm

Location: The Chapel or Oasis Hospitality Space, A Floor Portland Building 

Contact Bishop Paulina for more details. 

International Bible Study

Meet others each week in a local home in Sutton Bonington to study the Bible together.

Wednesdays 7:30pm

Contact Val Owens for more details.



Mandarin Fellowship

Weekly Friday gatherings in Mandarin to read the Bible together and to learn about the Christian Faith.

Multifaith prayer room, B01 Xu Yafen, Jubilee Campus, 7:30-9pm

Contact Grace Li  for more details.










Chaplaincy and Faith Support

A29, Portland Building
University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Tel: +44 (0)115 951 3931