INDAC-Chem: Overview of Ph.D. Training Programme
The Universities of Nottingham (UK), Geneva (Switzerland), Sassari (Italy) and Dortmund (Germany) have combined forces to offer advanced training of up to 3 years in organic chemistry related to selective catalysis and synthesis. This 'Early Stage Training' (EST) is offered to young scientists, who have recently attained their first masters' degree in Chemistry and who wish to move from their normal country of residence.
INDAC-CHEM supports 8 Ph.D. degree projects featuring multi-site Organic Chemistry and related training. Each Ph.D. programme involves a stray of 24 months in a Lead Host Institution, 10 months in a Partner Institution and a 2 month stay in Industrial Partner Site within a 48 month period. The timing of each of the 8 Ph.D. programmes is identical and this is shown in Figure 1 which also shows the individual Fellow destinations for the 8 Fellows. Nottingham, Geneva, Sassari and Dortmund Universities will be both Lead and Partner Hosts. A Forum of industrial members will provide the project collaborations and placements (see Figure below). The Consortium will award jointly recognised European Ph.D. qualifications; although the degree certificate will be issued by the Lead Institution.
Applications to become a Fellow at this EST site can be made via the Ph.D. Application Page of this site.

Figure 1, left: A diagrammatic overview of the training programme timeline. The first 6 months, to end August 2006 are the recruitment phase, with appointments being made by start September. The first 30 months of training take place at the primary academic institute, with the following 10 months at the partner academic institute. There follows 2 months industrial training with the industrial partner, and 6 months career development and support.