4Quarter Films - Dreaming Whilst Black

Tuesday 1st May 2018 (18:00-20:00)


Suitable for 16+

Registration URL
See the first three episodes of a brand new nine-part comedy series made for web-viewing by London-based 4Quarter Films, and meet the Producers – including University of Nottingham alumna Natasha Jatania - in a post-show conversation.  Dreaming Whilst Black follows a young, passionate, but naive filmmaker, Kwabena, as he navigates between his dreams and reality. The show explores the daily grind of an independent creative’s life, and highlights how race impacts on his struggle to reach his goal.

A post-screening Q&A will take place with the producers of the series and will be chaired by Ayesha Taylor-Camara of the Institute for Screen Industries Research.



Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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