Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

The Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies REF 2021 Results

The Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies is delighted that 90% of our research environment has been recognised as of world leading quality and 100% of our impact case studies have been recognized as having outstanding or very considerable impact in REF2021 (Research Excellence Framework), the national assessment of UK university research. 

The Department takes pride in supporting a research culture that is inclusive, supportive, ambitious and developmental for staff at all stages of their career, and within which individual and collaborative research can flourish, can influence the wider discipline, and have an impact far beyond the academy. We are therefore particularly pleased that 90% of our research environment has been evaluated as ‘world leading’. 

As a community we also consistently seek to challenge and refine our research through real world applications, collaborations and partnerships locally, nationally and internationally. Our Impact Case Studies reflect our sustained and enduring engagements, collaborations and partnerships with a diverse range of cultural institutions through which we have sought to bring about meaningful change in cultures, practices and behaviours. We are very proud to see these sustained relationships and their impact assessed as outstanding and very considerable.

Posted on Thursday 12th May 2022

Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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