Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

Tongyao, former University of Nottingham student, graduated 2019

Former student, Tongyao Lu, walking on a beach smiling wearing sunglasses
A localisation module in her postgraduate studies opened Tongyao's eyes to new career possibilities and led her into a localisation career in Shanghai.

"My first role after getting my Chinese/English Translation and Interpreting MA at the University of Nottingham was as a localisation project manager in Shanghai. And as of summer 2023, I am now working as the localisation project manager for NetEase.

During my studies, I initially planned to become a translator or interpreter to start my career after graduation.

Taking the localisation module and working on a group localisation project changed my mind. This is when I realised that the real language service industry is much bigger than I thought and that translating and interpreting were not my only career options.

After discovering this, I decided to focus on localisation and chose this to be the subject of my MA project.

In my daily work, I am in charge of localisation project management, translation/localisation agency management, business review and am also part of translation and proofreading.

What I learned from UoN has been very useful and has helped me seek more possibilities in language service industry than I initially thought possible."

在诺大读完硕士后,我入职了上海的互联网公司,成为了一名全职的本地化项目经理。2023 我已经成功入职网易,成为网易本土化项目经理。回看学生时代,曾经一直是想在毕业后成为一名笔译或者口译员,然而在诺大的这一年,本地化与项目管理课程使我的想法发生了改变,逐渐意识到在语言服务行业并不只有译员这一种选择。出于好奇与兴趣,硕士毕业项目选择花两个月的时间去做网站本地化。正是这段经历,再加上所学的专业课程,使我最终顺利通过三轮面试拿到最终的工作合同。现在的工作融合了本地化项目管理、供应商管理、对外商务、翻译及校对甚至是口译,也让我看到了这个行业更多的可能性。





Learn more about the Translation and Localisation MA

Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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