Please send details of any additions to
Educational Studies in Mathematics
Educational Studies in Mathematics (ESM); Editor-in-chief: Kenneth Ruthven; Address: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group; P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH; Dordrecht; The Netherlands; or Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 358 Accord Station, Hingham, MA 02018-0358 USA; website: Published 9 times a year, $$234 for individuals and $535 for libraries. gopher://
Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics
Published 4 times a year, $30; Address: Center for Teaching/Learning of Mathematics, P.O. Box 3149; Framingham, MA 01701; (508) 877-7895 or (617) 235-7200.
For the Learning of Mathematics (FLM)
Editor: David Pimm (previous editor was David Wheeler). Address: FLM Publishing Association, 205 -- 1230 Haro St., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6E 4J9. Published 3 times a year, US $27; CN 27
International DERIVE Journal
Editor John Berry, Centre for Teaching Mathematics; Charles Cross Centre; University of Plymouth; Drakes Circus; Plymouth PL4 8AA; UK; Tel: +44 (0)1752 232772
The International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning
Editor: S. Papert; email: Address: IJCML, Journals Editorial Office, Kluwer Academic Publishers, PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht.Ed Dubinsky writes: This is a new journal whose Editor-in-Chief is Seymour Papert [author of "Mindstorms" and inventor of LOGO]. It has a group of editors including Uri Leron, Al Cuoco, Richard Noss, Jere Confrey
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science Technology
Editor: Dennis Walker. Address: Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK. It is published by Taylor & Francis Ltd.,3418 Rankine Rd., Basingstoke, Hants., RG24 0PR, UK. Fax: 00 44 256 479438.
International Study Group on the Relations Between History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Newsletter
free: US distributor: Gerald Buskes, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677 USA.UK distributor: John Fauvel, Maths Faculty, Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA.Australian distributor: George Booker, Faculty of Education, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland 4111.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Published by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics., 1-800-235-7566; Published 5 times a year. The subscription price for the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education is $57 for individuals, $62 for institutions; for foreign postage add $8. Address: NCTM, 1906 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1593; Tel: 812-856-8117;;
The Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (JCMST)
Editor (until Sept. 1997): Gary Marks; previous editor, D.P.Shepardson; Future editor, Ed Dubinsky; email: Address: AACE, P. O. Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA.
Journal of Mathematical Behavior (JMB)
Editor: Robert Davis. Address: Ablex Publishing Company, 355 Chestnut St., Norwood, NJ 07648. $50.
The Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Published by Kluwer. Editor: Thomas J. Cooney, Contact address: 105 Aderhold Hall, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 30602-7124, USA
Mathematics Education Research Journal
Editor: N. F. Ellerton. Address: Faculty of Education, Edith Cowan, University, Pearson St, Churchlands, Western Australia 6018.
Nordisk Matematikk Didaktikk
In 1994; or, though the responsibility has just gone from Sweden to Norway, so you may be forwarded to someone else.
Associação de Professores de Matematica; Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa; R. Carolina Michaelis de Vasconcelos; 1500 LISBOA; PORTUGAL; Editor: José Manuel Matos.
Récherches en Didactiques des Mathématiques.
Editor: Michèle Artigue, Rédacteur en chef; e-mail: . Chief editor: Gilbert Arsac;; Publisher: Editions la Pensee Sauvage; BP 141; 38002 GRENOBLE CEDEX 2; FRANCE; Tel: (+33) 7642 0937; Fax: (+33) 7642 0932
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education (RCME)
Editors: Ed Dubinsky, James Kaput, and Alan Schoenfeld.Published by American Mathematical Society []. Volume I, 1994, 229 pp., softcover, List: $42, All Individuals: $25; Volume II,1996, 217 pp., softcover, List: $37, All Individuals: $22. As you might guess by the volume numbers, this is a new journal.
Revista Educacion Matematica (EMA)
Editor: Patricia Perry (; "una empresa docente"; Universidad de los Andes; Apartado Aereo 4976, Bogota; Colombia; Tel: (571) 284-9911 Ext. 2717. EMA Home Page
Teaching Statistics
This journal focusses on teaching statistics to pupils from 7 - 19 and sometimes beyond. It is published by the Teaching Statistics Trust from the RSS Centre for Statistical Education, Mathematics Faculty, Nottingham University, Nottingham, Great Britain. It has a web site at:
Zentralblatt fur Didaktic der Mathematik (ZDM)
International Reviews on Mathmatics Education, a Mathematical Didactics Database. In the U.S., inquiries and subscription orders for ZDM or CD-ROM MATHDI can be obtained from: Scientific Information Service, Inc., Department ZDM, 7 Woodland Avenue, Larchmont NY 10538, Tel: 914-834-8864, Fax 914-834-8903.