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Mathematics Education and Society


This is the home page for the International Mathematics Education and Society Conferences.


The First Mathematics Education and Society Conference (MEAS1) was held on 6th - 11th September 1998 at Nottingham University, UK. All papers presented to the first MEAS conference are on the MEAS1 Conference Proceedings web-site: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/csme/meas/measproc.html

The Second Mathematics Education and Society Conference (MES2) was held in Montechoro, Algarve, Portugal from 26th - 31st March, 2000. The MES2 Conference website is at http://correio.cc.fc.ul.pt/~jflm/mes2/mes2.html.

The Third International Conference on Mathematics Education and Society (MES 3) is to be held in Helsingør, Denmark, April 2-7, 2002. The MES3 website is http://www.congress-consult.com/mes3/

There is an email discussion/contact list that allows all interested parties to keep in touch and exchange information. To join this lists send the single word SUBSCRIBE to <meas-conf-request@nottingham.ac.uk>

Centre for the Study of Mathematics Education
Nottingham University
Nottingham NG7 2TD
Great Britain

You can find an international directory of mathematics educators here

Pages written and managed by Peter Gates
Centre for the Study of Mathematics Education, Nottingham University.
Last updated 20th December 2000