For me it is very difficult to be creative without having freedom.
Without being free, I can only repeat what is being told me.
The Anarchist Agenda
2.The self is a social structure, community dependent and inter-connected.
3.Promoting diversity in selves and communities.
4.To transform bureaucracies into worker organized and operated organizations.
5.To strengthen popular involvement in and control over mass media.
6.Demarchy: local networks of volunteer based functional groups, dealing with various community functions including education.
7.Anarchafeminism: bringing the anarchist movement to bear on male domination and the oppression and suppression of women.
8.To search for and implement alternatives to state-market political economies.
9.Developing networking into a strategy for social action.
10.Challenging taken-for-granted ideas about material and intellectual property, and promoting non-ownership and collective usage; the rejection of property, consumerism, and commodification.
12.Facilitating organized nonviolent action in and by communities.
13.Promoting science and technology for the people, alternative technosciences.
14.Theory as a subversive activity
15.Intellectually and theoretically, the rejection of transcendence, immanence, and psychologism.
16.The complexity of the world requires that anarchists avoid become enclavists, and instead work in consort with other activists for social change.
17.The anarchist tool kit should be part of a larger variegated toolkit of strategies, skills, tactics, and technologies for social change.
18.Anarchists should practice heterodox borrowing of ideas, perspectives, strategies, theories, and technologies.
19.Anarchists should avoid dogma in theory and practice.
20.Anarchism is a form
of life.
2. Is mathematics invented and/or discovered?
3. What does mathematics represent?
4. What is a mathematical object?
5. What is the relevance of the sociology of mathematics and mind to mathematics education? In particular, what are the implications of the strong social construction conjecture as formulated by David Bloor, and by Sal Restivo and Randall Collins for designing relationships, structures (including the use of space and architecture), and pedagogies in mathematics education?
6. What are the contributions that we can anticipate from philosophy of mathematics and sociology of mathematics to issues in problems in mathematics education and society/culture?