According to the British sociologist Anthony Giddens, tradition involves rituals or the practical means of ensuring preservation as the continual reconstruction of the past; a formulaic truth or a kind of knowledge to which only certain people have full access and is enunciated in words or practices that the speakers or listeners can barely understand; guardians or the people believed to be the agents or mediators of the power conferred by the possession of formulaic truth; and a normative content or the binding character of tradition that depends on the moral and affective links that it builds into people to maintain it (Giddens, 1994, pp. 62-66). If it remains untouched and does not interact dialogically with its alternatives, tradition may become fundamentalism (p. 100).
To mathematics and its education, this raises the following questions:
The symposium will begin with an introduction to the topic
by the proponents, where we will present Giddens ideas about tradition
and the notion of de-traditionalization in contemporary societies. Then,
the participants will be invited to reflect in small groups about the meaning
and the practices of tradition and de-traditionalizationin mathematics
and mathematics education. The small groups for this reflection could be
formed according to different criteria, for example, the level of schooling
where the participants teach or the characteristics given by Giddens to
tradition.And finally, a collective plenary reflection will be devoted
to round up the small groupdiscussionand to suggest possible alternatives
to de-traditionalize mathematics and mathematics education.
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Giddens, A. (1994). 'Living in a post-traditional society'. In U. Beck, A. Giddens and S. Lash. Reflexive Modernization (pp. 56-109). Cambridge: Polity Press.
Gregg, J. (1995). 'The tensions and contradictions of the school mathematics tradition'. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 26(5), 442-466.
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Truran, J. M. (1997).'Re-interpreting Australian mathematics curriculum developmentusing a Broad-spectrum Ecological Model'. In Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society Conference. Old Boundaries and NewFrontiers in Histories of Education, 1 (pp. 241Ð262). Newcastle, New SouthWales: ANZHES.