
hands voting

Don't forget to vote in this months General Election

Wednesday, 04 December 2019

The General Election will be taking place next week, on Thursday 12 December - an election that will take place against a background of national debate on the future of the country.

Students are encouraged to take part and cast your vote. This is your chance to exercise your democratic right and contribute your vote, and by extension your voice, to this debate. No matter how you vote or who you vote for, it is important that you have your say on your future.

To vote in the election you must have already registered by the deadline that passed on Tuesday 26 November.

Having registered you should have received a polling card, this card will explain which polling station you are registered to vote at, as well as its address so that you can easily locate it. It is also important to remember that whilst you can be registered at your home and term time addresses you may only vote in one location. You can also vote by post and/or proxy where necessary if you have applied in time to do so. 

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353