
Florence Boot Hall refurbishment set to commence

Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Refurbishments and upgrades to Florence Boot Hall on University Park are due to commence from Monday 27 September 2021.

The hall will be closed during this time and is due to re-open in September 2022 in time for the next academic year.

The works will include refurbishment of the building, including overhauling the building fabric, installing new en-suite and shared bathrooms, and updating the interiors. In addition, the upgrade will include sustainability improvements such as new air source heat pumps, increased wall insulation values, and the introduction of triple glazed windows.

You can view some artist impressions of the refurbished hall below.

The refurbishments come following student feedback and are part of our commitment to deliver excellent facilities for our community.

Florence Boot Hall will be the first of our on-campus halls to be renovated under a wider refurbishment project.

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353