
Quotezone Fintech Scholarship

Thursday, 21 October 2021
Insurance comparison website, Quotezone, is offering three £1000 bursaries towards living expenses such as textbooks, course materials and car insurance. are offering the scholarship for anyone currently studying a subject other than finance or computer science. Those from all other disciplines are eligible to apply, provided you are currently enrolled in full-time or part-time education at an accredited higher education college or university in Great Britain.

The main aim of the Fintech Scholarship is to encourage students to research the fintech (financial technology) sector and get excited about everything it has to offer.

How to apply

To apply, write a short blog post about fintech and publish it under your own name on an online platform of your choosing, whether that’s, LinkedIn, Pulse or your own blog. The article does not have to be about the car insurance sector or price comparison technologies.

When you’ve written and published your blog post you can apply for the Fintech Scholarship by emailing with a link to your published piece.

One winner will be chosen from each part of Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales), with all three winners each receiving a £1,000 bursary.

The deadline for applications is 23:59 on Friday 31 December 2021.

For more information, please visit the application page.

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