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Module design.

Designing modules involves thinking about different teaching activities for student learning.

Here you will find insights into dyslexia and examples of how some staff have designed ways of teaching for everyone that have addressed common issues for dyslexic students. For example, tutors and dyslexic students talk about how they use podcasts and WebCT.

You may find that you can adapt these techniques to suit your own disciplinary context.

Inclusive teaching

Examples from WebCT

Dyslexic students use WebCT to:

  • support learning in lectures and seminars;
  • prioritise reading;
  • pace their work to suit themselves.

Video examples

Dyslexia video: "After an initial screening, how is dyslexia formally identified?." Duration: 2 minutes : 33 seconds

After an initial screening, how is dyslexia formally identified?

"…the process itself is not that comfortable…screening with the psychologist was actually quite fun…"

2 min 33s student perspective video by Barbara Taylor et al., in What is dyslexia

Dyslexia video: "Choice of hand-in dates: students plan their deadlines.." Duration: 2 minutes : 59 seconds

Choice of hand-in dates: students plan their deadlines.

"…so if you're struggling with something on Kant or something then you can leave that to the last deadline…"

2 min 59s inclusive teaching video by Andrew Fisher et al., in Setting deadlines

Dyslexia video: "Benefits of podcasting for dyslexic students.." Duration: 2 minutes : 43 seconds

Benefits of podcasting for dyslexic students.

"…you could listen to them over and over and you could make decent notes…as opposed to the useless notes which I normally make…"

2 min 43s student perspective video by Alex Sallis et al., in Podcasting

Thinking about dyslexia © Copyright The University of Nottingham
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