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Students are taught by a range of methods across the disciplines and some of those methods can tap into typical characteristics of dyslexia.

Here you will find suggestions for making some teaching methods more accessible for dyslexic students. For example, you might encourage dyslexic students to choose projects and dissertations that suit their ways of learning.

You may find some ideas for increasing the accessibility of your teaching in your discipline area.

Reasonable adjustments

Examples from 1:1 Support

  • Be aware that students will not remember a lot of verbally presented information unless it is recorded in some way.
  • Be willing to discuss how to do this and be open to their recording your discussion.
  • Be willing to advise on reading and writing strategies appropriate for your discipline as well as on content.

Video examples

Dyslexia video: "Introducing podcasting and WebCT: implications for dyslexic students.." Duration: 5 minutes : 3 seconds

Introducing podcasting and WebCT: implications for dyslexic students.

"…so I deliver if you like the core fairly standard stuff electronically and then I could free up the lecture slots to do mainly discussions perhaps also updates…"

5 min 3s inclusive teaching video by Richard Field, in Lectures

Dyslexia video: "Setting up seminars for productive learning.." Duration: 1 minute : 58 seconds

Setting up seminars for productive learning.

"…People know beforehand what questions are going to be asked in the seminar or debates that are going to be covered.…"

1 min 58s inclusive teaching video by Nick Thomas, in Seminars

Dyslexia video: "Advising students on reading: prioritising reading lists.." Duration: 1 minute : 46 seconds

Advising students on reading: prioritising reading lists.

"…I don't just say ‘right come back and tell me everything you know about…’ I try to focus it in, so structure questions, bold is really important, and online resources…"

1 min 46s inclusive teaching video by Andrew Fisher, in Setting reading

Thinking about dyslexia © Copyright The University of Nottingham
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