"…as the lecture went on he'd write on the pdf…which he could then publish with all the annotations and with diagrams…" (2 min 7s video by Joe Cornfield)
Teaching methods
Inclusive teaching:
Be aware that well spaced and structured headings benefit everyone.
Be aware that visual images supported by text and vice versa suits verbal and non verbal learners.
Use off-white paper and minimum size 12 sans serif font where individual preferences are unknown.
"…Well I just save it as a pdf file straightaway and it goes on the web and they have this pdf in full colour available exactly as they saw it on the screen…" (6 min 24s video by Joe Cornfield et al.)
Reasonable adjustments:
Make materials available electronically before the lecture to allow students to adapt them to their needs.
Use colour imaginatively to assist reading and memory, e.g. to differentiate columns in complex tables.
"…I imagine it's helpful for all students but particularly I think for myself when I'm missing quite a lot in the lectures…" (2 min 44s video by Nick Thomas et al.)