Joseph Gomes (University of Essex)

Wednesday 3rd December 2014 (13:00-14:30)

Title: The Health Costs of Ethnic Distance: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa.

Abstract: We show that ethnic distances can explain the ethnic inequalities in child mortality rates in Africa. Using individual level micro data from DHS surveys for fourteen Sub-Saharan African countries combined with a novel high resolution dataset on the spatial distribution of ethnic groups we show that children whose mothers have a higher linguistic distance from their neighbours have a higher probability of dying. Fractionalization reduces the probability of child death. We argue that fractionalization reflects a higher stock of knowledge and information leading to better health outcomes. Knowledge does not flow smoothly to linguistically distant groups. Linguistically distant mothers also have a lower probability of knowing about the oral rehydration product (ORS) for treating children with diarrhoea

School of Economics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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