The post-16 maths problem: can core maths be the solution?

A34, Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus
Monday 12th February 2018 (16:30-18:00)
Please register your attendance

This is a Centre for Research in Mathematics Education seminar

Presented by Dr Matt Homer and Dr Rachel Mathieson, University of Leeds

England has one of the lowest post-16 participation rates in mathematics amongst developed nations. This is seen as a key policy problem in terms of meeting the growing demands for quantitative skills in the modern workplace, in HE and for life in general. One policy solution is Core Maths, a relatively new and distinct Level 3 qualification. In this seminar, we will present early findings of a large-scale three-year mixed-methods project funded by the Nuffield Foundation investigating how the provision of Core Maths is developing, and what the experiences of students, teachers and other stakeholders are of this potentially important new qualification. Our early data comes from the national pupil database, and from first interviews with Core Maths teachers and senior leaders in 13 case study schools/colleges nationwide.

Refreshments will be available

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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