Department of
Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

Image of Philip Shipway

Philip Shipway

Cripps Professor of Engineering Materials, Faculty of Engineering



Philip Shipway is part of the Advanced Materials Research Group.

Expertise Summary

Philip Shipway has general interestin the structure-property-performance relationships of engineering materials, with specific expertise in the following areas:

Tribology: within the field of tribology, Philip Shipway is an expert in the areas of wear behaviour of materials, with specific interests in wear by hard particles, fretting wear, sliding wear and wear testing to simulate service conditions. As a development of this work, he has expertise in the area of waterjet technologies for material and coating removal.

Surface Engineering: Philip Shipway has general expertise in surface engineering for wear and corrosion protection. He has specific expertise in the development of surface engineering solutions based upon thermal spraying and electrodeposition.

In-service microstructure development in coatings and bulk materials: when coatings and bulk materials are exposed to high temperatures in service, their microstructures develop and as a consequence, their properties change. Philip Shipway has interests in such microstructure development, with particular interests in coatings for high temperature service and in steels for creep resistance.

Research Summary

Thermal and cold spraying: This work concerns the development of thermal and cold spray technologies for the application of coatings to resist wear, corrosion or provide other desirable attributes.… read more

Recent Publications

Department of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 95 14081