Mentoring: a key to taking ownership of e-learning.

Mentoring has created an environment where staff can take ownership of change.

The mentor's role tended to be broad and varied with each project and participant.

The question asked here is whether helping people make decisions to fit their own context enables wider e-learning adoption.

"It was a cycle of coming up with ideas, seeing possibilities, trying them out, critiquing them, and then going on to the next stage."

Mike Sharples
School of Education
The role of the mentor in developing e-learning.

Mentoring themes

"Once you have a sense of value, I think that is incredibly motivating, and it happened because we were exploring the same issues together."


"Okay, this is what you want to do, but now let's think about it from a user point of view…is it going to achieve the learning outcomes?"


"What was really useful was having all four of us talking about what we were doing, and having Mike come in and establishing links that we didn't see."

Do Coyle
School of Education
E-learning mentor as motivator

Tony Fisher
School of Education
E-learning mentor as pedagogic advisor

Rolf Wiesemes
School of Education
E-learning mentor as facilitator

A theoretical basis

Guidance for mentors

... all ePioneers documents

Most viewed

Dr Rachel Scudamore

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