Browse by person: videos involving Tony Fisher.

(School of Education)

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Auditing current e-learning activity.

"… That audit just, really, was a simple taking stock of what was going on in the school, trying to get some information…"

2 min 34s video, June 2008.


Barriers to e-learning uptake.

"… I think, probably, the key issue, for me at least, would have been the fact that different parts of the school were…"

3 min 6s video, June 2008.


The Co-ordinator's role in maintaining project focus.

"… It needed somebody to keep the momentum going. And I emerged with that role, so I was the one that was talking to people. People saw me…"

2 min 19s video, June 2008.


E-learning mentor as pedagogic advisor.

"… So firstly, looking a the mentor as pedagogical advisor. How do you see that working within the ePioneers programme?…"

3 min 26s video, June 2008.


E-learning mentor as implementation advisor.

"… Looking at the second role of the mentor, mentor as implementation advisor, how would you describe your input in that context?…"

2 min 42s video, June 2008.


E-learning mentor as motivator.

"… The third role of the mentor, the mentor as motivator, is that something you feel you've had an insight into?…"

3 min 7s video, June 2008.


ePioneers programme: aims and objectives.

"… If you look at the original strategy, it's like a lot of schools were at the time, full of aspirations. There were policy statements that…"

5 min 3s video, June 2008.


ePioneers: a quick outline.

"… We knew we'd got our innovators in the School. This is the very early part of the take-up of anything, and we knew we'd got…"

1 min 51s video, June 2008.


Forming an e-learning strategy group.

"… The E-Learning Strategy Group in the School of Education was really formed as part of the Learning and Teaching Committee…"

3 min 9s video, June 2008.


Quick gains in e-learning.

"… What we were after were quick wins. We wanted people to come up with projects within the ePioneers programme that were…"

3 min 2s video, June 2008.


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Dr Rachel Scudamore

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