Browse by person: videos involving Elaine Arici.

(School of Education)

Videos 1 - 6 of 6    


The Co-ordinator's role in maintaining project focus.

"… It needed somebody to keep the momentum going. And I emerged with that role, so I was the one that was talking to people. People saw me…"

2 min 19s video, June 2008.


Designing the ePioneers programme.

"… Well the idea behind the ePioneers programme, were that there were people who had particular needs and interests in teaching…"

4 min 24s video, June 2006.


Developing a School-wide community.

"… It's just being part of a group of ePioneers that I've got to know, because I've not been in the school a very long time, so…"

2 min 59s video, June 2008.


ePioneers programme: aims and objectives.

"… If you look at the original strategy, it's like a lot of schools were at the time, full of aspirations. There were policy statements that…"

5 min 3s video, June 2008.


ePioneers: a quick outline.

"… We knew we'd got our innovators in the School. This is the very early part of the take-up of anything, and we knew we'd got…"

1 min 51s video, June 2008.


Setting up project support.

"… We had probably, I don't know, two thirds or more of the school turn up to the initial briefing, and of that, well over half…"

4 min 48s video, June 2008.


Videos 1 - 6 of 6    

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Dr Rachel Scudamore

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