Hand writing in notebook

Research data management 

When planning your research or developing an application for funding, you should think about how you will manage, store, and organise your data during the research activity and after the research is completed.

You will need to formalise this research data management (RDM) strategy in a data management plan (DMP).

Every researcher has data!

All the physical or digital material which underpin your published research outputs are research data: from photographs of archival documents, bibliographies and reading notes, to spreadsheets and 3D models. 


The University Code of Practice on Research Data Management expects all researchers to have a DMP in place before a new research project begins. When you are ready to write your DMP, go to the DMP Toolbox to find links, resources, and real example DMPs from UoN researchers, or head straight to DMP online and use our annotated DMP templates there.

All University staff and students, particularly postgraduate researchers and early career researchers, are invited to enrol on our online training course on Research Data Management. The course teaches you how to manage your data by helping you to write a Data Management Plan.

Plan for research data

Read our three step guide to writing a DMP; find information on UK funding bodies’ RDM requirements; and get tips on organising data and working with personal data.

Archive and preserve

Find out what research data you should archive; when, how, and where to archive; and how to use the Nottingham Research Data Management Repository

Publish and share

Read more about the benefits of publishing and sharing your research data; find out how to license and cite data; and how to write a data access statement.

Read our Data Sharing Guidance


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