Asia Research Institute

Archipelagic Justice: Climate, politics and environmental protection in Penghu and the Bahamas by Karen Salt

A19 Trent Building, University Park
Monday 13th May 2019 (12:00-14:00)

 If you are interested in attending please reserve your place with


The Taiwan Studies Programme (TSP) is delighted a to announce a seminar by Dr Karen Salt, Assistant Professor in Transnational American Studies, Department of American and Canadian Studies, University of Nottingham on Archipelagic Justice: Climate, politics and environmental protection in Penghu and the Bahamas.

Dr Karen Salt 

Dr Karen Salt is an interdisciplinary scholar with strong interests in transnational American Studies and Afrodiasporic studies. A significant portion of her work investigates how black nation-states have fought for their continued existence within a highly racialised world. As this work has developed, Dr Salt has considered the relationship of sovereignty and race to environmental consumption and protection, enabling her to craft new research on racial ecologies. In addition to this work, she currently leads or co-leads projects on reparative trust, collective activism, racial equity and transformative justice politics.

Karen Salt  Karen Salt

Asia Research Institute

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 828 3087