University of Nottingham

The Ingenuity Process

The Ingenuity Process is a methodology that encourages innovative responses to the challenges of the world today. The process is a proven way of embedding pre-concept innovation activities in our decision-making processes. This requires a clear focus upon problem definition, discovering multiple solutions and determining the most effective solution.

 The Ingenuity Process was a useful tool for idea classification and comparison. 

Qing Cai (BSc in International Business Economics)



The Ingenuity Process

Academics at the Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship have developed a creative problem solving methodology called the Ingenuity Process. It is used by all students entering Nottingham University Business School in the UK and at campuses in China and Malaysia, and is a key part of our Executive Education offering.

The Ingenuity Process requires a clear focus upon problem definition, discovering multiple solutions and determining the most effective solution. In practice, individuals and organisations tend to neglect these critically important activities in order to cut corners. The Ingenuity Process provides a rigorous framework to ensure that the correct problem or root cause is considered, that wide and diverse ranges of potential solutions are generated and that the optimal solution is determined.

An online version of the process has been developed and is currently taught to our MBA and MSc students, as well as corporate clients. 

Ingenuity in the news


What's the best way to solve problems?

In today’s climate of uncertainty the greatest resource that humanity possesses is the human mind. It is readily available, inexhaustible and free at the point of use. The currency of the human mind is ideas. The effective generation and evaluation of ideas to solve problems, make decisions and exploit opportunities is the great challenge for the future but it is also the greatest hope.

How do you solve problems? 


Overview and partnership opportunities 


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Ingenuity in Practice

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