University of Nottingham
A19 Nottingham Geospatial Building, NG7 2TU, Triumph Road, University of Nottingham
Monday 13th June 2016 (11:00-12:00)

 Steve Fuller 0115 82 32335 | Suchith Anand 0115 82 32337

Registration URL

Info day - ESNC & NASA Challenges

13 June 2016 (11.00 – 12.00) 

ESNC NASA image 

Have you got an idea that can solve world problems?
Disasters, climate change, renewable energy, precision agriculture, transport etc.

Would you like to enter a competition and develop your idea into a business?

Attend the Info Day (only an hour) and get all the information you need.


ESNC University Challenge 2016

The European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) invites students and researchers from any field of study to show off their innovative business ideas. These ideas can propose new potential uses for sat nav in any area - from logistics and healthcare all the way to mobile apps. The prize winner for University Challenge will receive:

  • EUR 1,000 cash prize.
  • Virtual incubation, technical and business consultancy support (a EUR 3,000 value) provided by the GRACE.
  • A ticket for the Munich Satellite Navigation Summit 2017 sponsored by The Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications of the Universität der Bundeswehr München.

For more details of the competition - For more details of past winners, click ESNC past winners.

NASA Europa Challenge 2016

Ideas for this challenge should focus on urban management solutions, i.e. How can we help cities work together to be more sustainable, more liveable and more resilient? Your challenge is to simply build a great application that serves some aspect of the OpenCitySmart design and uses NASA's open source virtual globe technology, WebWorldWind. By doing this you will advance a platform that allows every city to win! This challenge is open to anyone in the world. Participation is open to students, staff and SMEs. The winning team* or individual will receive:

  • 'NASA Crystal Bull' award!
  • Some cash for the top three University and High School teams!
  • NASA t-shirts.

For more details - 

Register to preserve your space!

 Provisional agenda

  • 11:00 - 11:15: Attendee arrival and registration
  • 11:15 - 11:30: Presentation on University and GRACE - Who we are / How we can help you? - Paul Bhatia
  • 11:30 - 11:45: Presentation on ESNC University Challenge - Paul Bhatia
  • 11:45 - 12:00: Presentation on NASA Europa Challenge - Suchith Anand
  • 12:00 - 13:00: Discussions and working lunch

* Team of 3 to 5 students, from a single University, with any mix of undergraduate, graduate and PhD students.

 ESNC and Europa image


Email: Contact us