Let's talk about Knowledge Transfer Partnerships!
Receive 50–70% government subsidy to create a new product or service!
• Tap into UK government funding - up to £100,000
• Achieve significant increases in pre-tax profit
• Access cutting-edge research
• Embed knowledge and expertise in your business
• Develop a long-term strategic relationship with the University
• Recruit a high calibre graduate to spearhead a strategic project
That’s a Knowledge Transfer Partnership!
A little innovation can go a very long way. But many companies struggle to find the right specialists to help them innovate. That's where Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) come in, providing links to the expertise you need to grow your business.
Connecting you to innovation
KTP is a world-leading programme that helps businesses succeed by connecting them to the UK's rich academic resources. It's a partnership between the business seeking expertise, a university and a recently qualified graduate or post graduate – known as an associate. If you apply to KTP and you're successful, an associate will be based at your company and help bring your plans to life.
The academic expertise to support the associate may be provided from within the Nottingham Geospatial Institute, or from any other discipline across the University. Both the NGI and the University have long term experience of KTPs with a 100% track record of success.
Your journey starts here
To find out more and arrange an initial discussion about how a KTP can ignite innovation in your business, contact:
Trevor Wright at: trevor.wright@nottingham.ac.uk (phone 0115 846 7283) or
Paul Bhatia at: paul.bhatia@nottingham.ac.uk (phone 01115 823 2332)
For FAQ questions, visit the KTP for businesses page
Posted on Monday 8th February 2016