6.3.3 Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Directors of IT/IS or equivalent senior roles

  Answer the questions for the 'domain' that your scope of strategic involvement covers. e.g. Institution or department and enter below
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral/Don't know Agree Strongly Agree Evidence
  Opportunities to contribute to strategic ICT            See section 6.1 within the toolkit knowledge base for help regarding this sections.
1 The senior management team has given its full commitment to my role as Chief Information Officer (CIO), or equivalent director of IS/IT, within the institution            
2 I am a member of the senior management team            
3 My role includes the support and briefing of the senior management team in ICT issues            
4 My role includes leading the formulation of the institution's ICT strategy            
5 I am responsible for all ICT functions across the institution            
  Awareness of strategic ICT            
6 I understand why and how the institution seeks to align and integrate its institutional and ICT strategies            
7 I can articulate the ICT governance arrangements            
8 I can articulate the strategy & targets for business process improvement, standardisation and integration            
9 I only support business cases that include well considered institutional and ICT strategy with justified investment and documented responsibilities and accountability            
  Commitment to integrating ICT with institutional strategy            
10 I lead relevant briefings on the implications and opportunities for ICT within the institution and industry            
11 I participate and articulate the implications and opportunities for ICT within business strategy discussions            
12 I champion the development and use of comprehensive ICT governance for the institution            
13 I lead the formulation of ICT strategy within the confines of ICT governance arrangements            
14 I  have clear and documented responsibilities and accountabilities for achieving strategies that deploy ICT            
15 I can articulate the respective roles and responsibilities of  institutional and ICT management in managing existing systems and implementing new services to achieve improved business benefits              
16 I encourage staff commitment to strategic ICT through their involvement, assigned responsibilities and training            
  Assess your personal effectiveness against those qualities that support the development of institutionally aligned strategic ICT:            
17 A visionary of the role of ICT and its potential contribution within the institution            
18 Strong leadership ability, able to incorporate policy with operational demands and balance difficult resourcing priorities within the institution             
19 Strong communication skills with the ability to lead, contribute or facilitate at all levels within the institution and ultimately obtain commitment and buy-in             
20 Strong ability to form alliances and build relationships, internally and external to the institution            
21 Strong ability to work collaboratively and effectively with staff and management across the institution            
22 Logical thinker who is flexible, receptive to other people's views and can make difficult decisions in the best interests of the institution             
23 I use computing facilities extensively for personal activities such as social networking and on-line services            
24 I use computing facilities extensively in my working environment for services such as communications, professional networking and information management            
25 I am an advanced user of computing facilities, methods  and tools as an integral part of my role and responsibilities            
  Communicating & engaging in strategic ICT             
26 I am an advocate for ICT and strategic planning across the institution            
27 I support on-going communications and collaboration between ICT and the wider institution to enable the formulation of strategic ICT             
28 My leadership and collaborative approach empowers management to actively contribute to strategic ICT            
29 Institutional management and users acknowledge the value of and feel empowered by the use of ICT             
30 Institutional management engage positively with ICT Services as part of  their business and process improvement programmes            
  User empowerment from ICT            
31 I have confidence in the reliability and quality of ICT            
32 The quality and portfolio of services provided by ICT Services meet institutional requirements            
33 I monitor and take appropriate action as a result of the management and users confidence in, and performance of, ICT            
  Impact and improvement            
34 I champion compliance with ICT governance that includes strong ICT principles. Examples of such principles may be relating to enterprise systems and exceptions, application portfolios and information ownership and management            
35 I assess the institution as achieving TOTAL  compliance in the development and use of ICT against the ICT governance requirements             
36 I support business process improvement as a stage in establishing clear and improved business requirements prior to the sourcing of systems            
37 I champion the role and delivery of innovation as part of strategic ICT            
38 I require post-implementation reviews and disseminate  lessons learnt amongst relevant parties in order to improve future performance            
  Identify any personal actions that may enhance your opportunities to contribute to strategic ICT            
39 Identify any desired personal development requirements            
40 Identify any personal untapped competencies or opportunities to contribute to improving strategic ICT