5.5 Review the alternative improvements and develop a business change definition

The project initiation has provided the overall scope and objectives of the improvement project.

By analysing the institution's maturity the project has drilled down into the enablers that are the key areas of opportunity to influence and improve maturity. Dependent on the project scope and self-analysis a number of improvements will have been identified and the project will now have an understanding and definition of the improvements and changes that are relevant.

Review the alternative improvements and develop a business change definition

The priorities of the institution and project, in terms of scope and drivers for change should again be considered against the findings of the self-analysis and improvement opportunities. The project is then able to recommend which potential improvements, for which enablers, are to be included in order to meet the project objectives.

Agreed potential improvements can be defined in more detail, signed off and used to inform a future business case for change. Depending on their complexity and scale they may require definition in terms of processes, activities and resources together with timescales, costs and risk assessments.