5.3.3 Self-assessment for ICT Services

This section contains the self-assessment questionnaire for ICT Services. The questionnaire asks a number of questions to ascertain:

'how strongly ICT Services, across all sources, constitutes a capacity to meet the institutional needs in the formulation and delivery of ICT aligned to institutional strategy?'

  Answer the questions for the 'domain' that you are analysing e.g. Institution, Business Services Strongly Disagree Disagree Don't Know or N/A Agree Strongly Agree Evidence for your response
1 The institution deploys a Chief Information Officer (CIO), or an ICT professional in an  equivalent role.           See section 2.5.2 within the toolkit knowledge base for help regarding this question.
2 The Chief Information Officer (CIO), or equivalent ICT professional, has an effective reporting line into a member of the Senior Management Team (SMT).           See section 2.5.2 within the toolkit knowledge base for help regarding this question.
3 The institution's ICT  infrastructure, resources, skills and expertise are adequate to meet the current and identified future ICT needs.           See section 2.5.3 within the toolkit knowledge base for help regarding this question.
4 ICT Services supply services and complete projects to established and accepted institutional ICT policies and standards.           See section 2.5 within the toolkit knowledge base for help regarding this question.
5 Devolved ICT services exist within the institution.           See section 2.4.6 & 2.4.8 within the toolkit knowledge base for help regarding this question.
6 Devolved ICT services deliver approved strategic ICT work.            
7 Devolved ICT Services supply services and complete projects to institutional ICT policies and standards             
8 Devolved ICT budgets exist and actual costs are identified and tracked.             See section 2.5.3 within the toolkit knowledge base for help regarding this question.
9 The ICT Services team has established and maintains strong communications with institutional service users.           See section 2.5.1 within the toolkit knowledge base for help regarding this question.
10 ICT Services actively review developing technologies and contribute to institutional planning at a strategic level.           See section 2.5.3 within the toolkit knowledge base for help regarding this question.
11 Success criteria and performance measurement are being  used and communicated.           See section 2.7.2 within the toolkit knowledge base for help regarding this question.