Human Rights Law Centre

Annual Lecture 2021

Women’s Rights are Human Rights: A Perspective from Afghanistan

On 3 February 2022, the HRLC was very pleased to have our Annual Lecture delivered by Ms. Hasina Safi, former Acting Minister for Women and Minister of Information and Culture in Afghanistan.

Ms Safi shared insights gleaned from over two decades of working in women's development programmes in Afghanistan. 

Her lecture explored the progression of women’s rights in Afghanistan over the past 20 years, highlighting significant achievements in increasing women’s visibility and participation in all areas and levels of Afghan society. She outlined the challenges faced post-Taliban takeover on 15 August 2021, where women and girls experienced (and are still experiencing) severe gender persecution, including being banned from education, employment, and public life. Ms. Safi emphasised the urgent need for action to safeguard women's rights in Afghanistan, stressing the importance of consulting and listening to women-led organisations and supporting human rights defenders.

Hasina Safi

About the Speaker 

Ms. Safi embarked on her first formal endeavor at the age of 15, teaching English as a second language to Afghan refugee women. She later obtained a BA in Law and Political science, and a master’s degree in Teacher Training.

During the past two decades, she has worked in different national and international organisations at the leadership levels including: the International Rescue Committee, the Danish Committee for Aide to Afghan Refugees, the International Organisation on Migration, the Afghan Women’s Educational Center, the United Nations Development Program, the Afghan Women’s Network, High Peace Council. Notably, Ms. Safi served as a member of the Government of Afghanistan negotiating teams during peace negotiations in 2018. She has been a strategic advocate for women’s rights, representing Afghan women and civil society at national, regional and international events, including many related to peace, security and conflict. 

Ms. Safi's advocacy efforts have earned her multiple awards, including a Bibi Khadija Award, and she has been nominated for the N-Peace Award. She strongly supports education, believing it to be the cornerstone of a nation's sustainability. Despite facing numerous challenges along her journey, she maintains a balanced professional and personal life, being a devoted mother of three children.

You can view a recording of the event here:

Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506