Human Rights Law Centre

Severe Forms of Labour Exploitation in the UK: HRLC researcher intervenes at FRA expert meeting on labour exploitation

Dr Alex Toft is today presenting the main findings from fieldwork conducted in the UK on severe forms of labour exploitation at an FRA Expert Meeting in Vienna. Dr Toft collaborated with HRLC in 2013, conducting extensive research to examine the criminal exploitation of the work of migrants (both EU and non-EU) in the UK. The research aimed to identify factors that expose migrants to the risk of labour exploitation, as well as factors and mechanisms that support or hinder victims of labour exploitation in accessing justice.

Interviews and focus group discussions were held with various professional groups such as police, labour inspectorates and organisations providing support to victims of labour exploitation. These brought to light some striking findings with regard to the realities of exploitation and policy responses (prevention, victim support, monitoring etc.).

The results will be presented today to experts from international organisations (e.g. ILO, ITUC, OSCE, ICMPD, HEUNI, UNODC), EU agencies with competencies in relevant areas, and national experts from labour inspectorates, NGOs and victim support organisations.

The research formed part of the FRANET Project – Severe Forms of Labour Exploitation.



Posted on Wednesday 26th November 2014

Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506