Department of Classics and Archaeology

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Image of Catrin Fear

Catrin Fear

M3C funded PhD student,



2014 - 2017 BSc Archaeology at the University of Nottingham

2017 - 2018 MSc Palaeoanthropology at the University of Sheffield

2018 - present M3C funded PhD at the University of Nottingham

Throughout my studies, I have always had an interest in bioarchaeology, specifically osteoarchaeology, and human evolution. From this I have undergone a multidisciplinary study of the multi-period use of caves, focusing on Frank I'Th'Rocks cave, Derbyshire which combined the examination of skeletal and faunal remains with artefacts. Progressing onwards, my research lead into further study of human evolution, as well as furthering my knowledge of human osteology. During my year at Sheffield, I became interested in the biomechanics of bipedalism, specifically the function and evolution of the upper limb. I therefore dedicated my Masters thesis to exploring whether the upper limb contains any biomechanical or anatomical features that can be used to identify bipedalism in hominid skeletal remains. Now, based at the University of Nottingham and funded by M3C, my PhD research has moved back to human osteology (with a little multidisciplinary study of artefacts and archives).

Research Summary

Research title: The study of lead impact in Medieval Britain

My PhD research will look into the effects of lead poisoning during Medieval Britain (c.1100-1500AD). It will explore and question where it came from, its uses and whether it can be identified skeletally and it's implications in modern day lead use.

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
Archaeology twitter
Classics twitter