Institute for the Study of Slavery

Institute for the Study of Slavery (ISOS)

Logo with ISOS in lower case lettering with a red droplet over the i. Next to this it reads, Institute for the Study of Slavery.

The Institute for the Study of Slavery (ISOS) — formerly known as the International Centre for the History of Slavery — was established in 1998 by the late Thomas Wiedemann. ISOS now pursues research on historical and contemporary slavery, and forced labour in all parts of the globe and through all periods.

In Greek ίσος (ísos) means equal. 

About the Institute


The Institute for the Study of Slavery (ISOS) aims to:

      • Stimulate cross-cultural and comparative work on slavery
      • Develop collaborative projects within and beyond Nottingham
      • Train and support postgraduate students

Regular activities:

    • Annual lectures
    • Academic workshops
    • Bi-annual international conferences

Recent guest speakers have included Professor Trevor Burnard (University of Melbourne) and Professor Ana Lucia Araujo (Howard University, Washington DC).


Report released on Nottingham's two universities and links to slavery

New report released on the links to slavery and Nottingham's two universities

Dr Sascha Auerbach discusses 'The Legacies of Slavery' in new video.

Dr Sascha Auerbach discusses how the slave trade impacted the British economy and labour relations.
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A brief history of ISOS

ISOS brings together a range of resources and cross-disciplinary research across the University.



ISOS Director

Sascha Auerbach crouched next to a statue of a fox

Dr Sascha Auerbach, School of Humanities

Deputy Director

Head shot of Susanne Seymour smiling

Dr Susanne Seymour, School of Geography

Mailing list

To sign up to our mailing list, please email Sascha Auerbach.

Sign up 


The Institute draws together academic staff, postdoctoral researchers, and postgraduate students from several academic schools within University of Nottingham:  

News and events

News and blogs

Latest events


Manuscripts and Special Collections 

12-14861m Petition from the Dundee Ladies Anti-Slavery Association

12-14861m: Petition from the Dundee Ladies Anti-Slavery Association, 1861

12-14850m Petition 'England and slavery'

12-14850m: Petition 'England and slavery' c.1862 (ref HT 4/1/25/2)

12-14883p Slave trade volume

12-14883p: Slave trade volume relating to Sierra Leone, Demerara, Trinidad (1829)

12-15121p Illustration of handcuffs and shackles

12-15121p: Illustration of handcuffs and shackles from 'The history of the abolition of the African slave-trade' (1839)

05-0567m James Gilray's 'Barbarities in the West Indies'

05-0567m: James Gilray's 'Barbarities in the West Indies' (ref MS 482/7)


Additional key resources

Resources for researching histories of enslavement in the University of Nottingham Manuscripts and Special Collections (King's Meadow Campus).

Available materials include:

  • Petitions (including the 1862 'England and slavery' petition)
  • Historical documents and reports
  • Anti-slavery materials and abolitionist collections
  • Estate records relating to plantations

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Institute for the Study of Slavery

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
