Digital and Technology Services

Smart Bar

Do you have IT questions? Our Smart Bars have the answers.





Where can I find help?

check_circle   Ask for help virtually via Teams

check_circle   Get in-person help on campus


What are Smart Bars?

Our Smart Bars offer IT support and advice on a wide range of queries including:

check_circle   Laptop and mobile

check_circle   Email, Teams, Microsoft 365 and software

check_circle   Online university systems

check_circle   IT account activation and online registration

check_circle   Our staff support Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux laptops as well as Android and Apple iOS mobile devices



Virtual Smart Bar

Do you have a question for our IT staff? Join the 'My IT Smart Bar' on Microsoft Teams and our staff will be happy to answer any of your queries.

Our Virtual Smart Bar is currently closed. 


How to join the virtual Smart Bar

'My IT Smart Bar' is open to all students at the University of Nottingham.

To join, find us in Microsoft Teams with the code 8x1ibdu or use the direct link below:

Join Virtual Smart Bar on Teams



On campus Smart Bars

During start of session in September and October each year, you can get peer support on campus from our Smart Bar IT Assistants. You will find our assistants at the following locations: 

  • Roaming near university Halls of Residence
  • Student Service Centres
  • International registration event

Full details including dates, times and locations can be found here: 

Get help during welcome and arrivals


Smart Bar locations

Assistants are available at our Smart Bar locations during term-time only - check the university key dates page.  

University Park

On main campus, University Park, we have two Smart Bars, both of which are open Monday to Friday, 10am - 4pm during term-time. They can be found at:

  • Hallward Library, Level 1  
  • George Green Library

Jubilee Campus

On Jubilee campus, our Smart Bar can be found in the Student Service Centre in Exchange Building and is open Monday to Friday, 10am - 4pm during term-time.

Sutton Bonington

On Sutton Bonington campus, our Smart Bar can be found in the heart of campus at The Barn, near Student Services Centre, and is open Monday - Friday 11am - 3pm during term-time.



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University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666
email: Contact us