Quantum Mathematics Seminar: Victor Carmona (Sevilla)

Physics C05
Thursday 23rd February 2023 (14:00-15:00)

Robert Laugwitz (organizer)

Alex Schenkel (host)


Quantum Maths Seminar, external speaker.

Speaker:  Victor Carmona (Universidad de Sevilla)

Title: Renormalization of TFTs via Factorization Algebras

Abstract: The celebrated approach to perturbative QFTs proposed by K.Costello and O.Gwilliam uses factorization algebras as the main algebraic device to encode algebras of observables. An important point about this formulation is that the RG flow on field theories over the n-dimensional euclidean space becomes a simple action on factorization algebras. In this talk, we will motivate a closely related RG flow and the whole  idea of renormalization using prefactorization algebras defined at a fixed scale. We will discuss how this approach allows us to show that "topological field theories" over euclidean spaces are always renormalizable. Time permitting, we will address what happens if the theory has defects and explain a deformation quantization constructed due to the previous renormalizability result. This talk is based on joint work with D.Calaque.

One-hour in-person talk

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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