Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews

 (ISSN : 0264-8725)

Editor: Professor Stephen Harding, University of Nottingham
Co-editor: Gary Adams, University of Nottingham

BGER is a well established hardcover annual reviews series from the National Centre for Macromolecular Hydrodynamics, formerly published by Nottingham University Press, and has benefited from the longstanding relationship of the NCMH with the Biotechnology Industry. Each volume contains approximately 13-17 original, major invited review articles covering important developments in industrial, agricultural and medical applications of Biotechnology (widest sense). Following requests from authors and readers, and to celebrate 25 years of the volume we have now moved to a Journal format, and the new publisher is now Taylor & Francis.

Volumes 1-23 are available as open access below.  For all subsequent volumes please go to the Journal’s web page at Taylor & Francis.


Open Access