Shanghai Expo presence generates new partnerships

20 Dec 2010 00:00:00.000
 PA 360/10

It was a gamble to commit to being the only UK university with its own six-month presence at 2010’s World Expo in Shanghai, China, but The University of Nottingham’s Shanghai Expo venture is paying dividends. 诺丁汉大学是唯一一所在中国上海世博会参展6个月的英国大学,此举当初是个博,但是大学这次的上海冒险得 到了回报。

New business and research partnerships are now emerging from the 17 expert-led conferences and workshops attended by more than 1,000 key stakeholders, as well as the many meetings that took place during the Expo. 经过17场由专家牵头、1000多名关键利益相关者参加的会议和工作坊,以及在世博会期间举行的多场会议,现在结成了新的商业和研究伙伴关系。

Hundreds of thousands of visitors explored — through words, pictures and video — The University of Nottingham’s world-changing research in sustainability as part of its collaborative exhibition with award-winning sustainable architects ZEDfactory based on the theme ‘Zero Carbon, Zero Waste’. 前来参观的数十万人通过文字、图片和视频,探索了诺丁汉大学在可持续发展方面改变世界的研究。这些究基于“零碳,零废物”的主题,是大学与获奖的可持续建筑公司零能耗工厂(ZEDfactory)协作展览的组成部分。
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 For six months, from May until the end of October this year, 73 million visitors flocked to Expo 2010. This was the largest ever Expo and the first in a developing country. The 5.3 sq km site was dubbed a ‘global village’, with 192 nations and 50 international organisations exhibiting on the theme ‘Better City, Better Life’. 从今年5月到10月底的6个月内,有7300万人涌入参观2010年世博会。这是有史以来规模最大、也是首次在发展中国家举办的世博会。世博园占地5.3平方公里,被誉为“全球村”,有192个国家和50个国际组织参加了这次主题为“城市,让生活更美好”的展会。

The University addressed this theme across many subject areas, and top researchers from its campuses in the UK and Asia — as well as leading academic colleagues from other institutions worldwide — participated in thought-provoking workshops and conferences spanning Nottingham’s extensive research in sustainability. 诺丁汉大学的很多课题领域都切合这一主题。不仅有诺丁汉大学英国和亚洲校区的顶尖研究人员,还有世界各地其它机构的领先学术同行一起参加了一系列引人思索的工作坊和会议,内容涉及了大学在可持续发展方面的广泛研究。

The University’s Expo lead, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Chris Rudd, said: “Expo 2010 provided a compelling platform to showcase our portfolio of work in sustainability conveying our message to a genuinely global audience. Being at Shanghai Expo reminded us all that resource management, population health and climate change are problems that respect no national boundaries. 诺丁汉大学世博会的负责人副校长克里斯•路德(Chris Rudd)教授说:“2010年世博会为我们提供了一个万众瞩目的平台,展示了诺丁汉大学在可持续发展方面的各项工作,将我们的讯息传达给了名副其实的全球受众。参展上海世博也提醒了我们所有人,像资源管理、人口健康和气候变化这样的问题是没有国界的。”

“Every new visitor to our ZEDpavilion exhibition left with a clear sense of these messages,” he said, “but they were also alive to the knowledge that some of the world’s most creative and dedicated scientists are improving lives, driving economic growth and helping our cities to eat, drink and breathe.” 他还说:“每一个参观了零碳馆的人在离开时都清楚领会了这些讯息,但是他们也知道,一些世界上最有创造力、最投入的科学家正在改善人们的生活、驱动经济增长,并且帮助给我们的城市提供清洁的食物、水和空气。”

The University’s key objectives in exhibiting at Shanghai Expo 2010 were to promote its strategic global approach to higher education — its campuses in China and Malaysia and international research collaborations with Chinese universities and businesses. The longer term aim is to attract new funding streams for research and knowledge transfer, and improve alumni engagement and student recruitment in China and the region. 诺丁汉大学参展2010年上海世博会的关键目标,是宣传其在高等教育上的战略全球做法。诺丁汉大学在中国和马来西亚建有校区,与中国的大学和公司也有国际研究协作。较长期的目标是为研究和知识转移吸引新的资金来源,并且改善中国及该地区的校友参与和招生。

For Shanghai Expo, The University of Nottingham partnered with the East Midlands China Business Bureau at East Midlands Development Agency (emda) to attract Chinese investment to the region. In the summer, emda announced that the Chinese car manufacturer, Chang’an Automobile Co, will establish its UK Research and Development facility at No 1 Nottingham Science Park, creating up to 200 new jobs. During the course of the Expo, the University received over 400 serious business enquiries. 为了上海世博会,诺丁汉大学与英国中东部地区发展署(emda)中国商务局携手合作,吸引中国向这个地区投资。今年夏天,英国中东部地区发展署宣布,中国的汽车制造商长安汽车公司将在诺丁汉科学园1号建立其英国的研发设施,创造最多达200个就业机会。在世博会期间,大学收到了400多项有很强意向的商业咨询。

All events at the Expo were run in conjunction with a partner institution bringing together key academics and business contacts and creating opportunities for joint research, investigating new funding streams for research, as well as providing opportunities for further and future events and conferences. 诺丁汉大学在世博会的所有活动都是与一家伙伴机构联合举办的,不仅汇聚了关键的学术和商界联系人,也为开展联合研究和探索新的研究资金来源创造了机会,还为未来的进一步活动和会议埋下了伏笔。

David Wallace, emda’s International and Innovation Director, said: “I am delighted emda was able to support The University of Nottingham in their work at the Shanghai Expo this year. Our East Midlands China Business Bureau has been working closely with the University over the years on a number of projects which have resulted in exciting new collaborations between businesses in the East Midlands and China. 英国中东部地区发展署国际与创新处处长大卫•华莱士(David Wallace)说:“我很高兴英国中东部地区发展署能支持诺丁汉大学今年在上海世博会上的工作。发展署的中国商务局和诺丁汉大学多年来一直就几个项目密切合作,这些项目促成了英国中东部地区和中国商界之间令人激动的新协作。

“As a result of the University’s activity at the Expo, a number of excellent new contacts have been made, and we look forward to working with them to establish more partnerships which help to create new opportunities for businesses in the East Midlands.” “通过诺丁汉大学在世博会上的活动,我们新建立了几个极好的联系,很期待与他们合作建立更多的伙伴关系,帮助为英国中东部地区的公司创造新的机遇。”

The University of Nottingham’s series of Expo events was launched in May by former Deputy Prime Minister the Right Honourable John Prescott (now Baron Prescott of Kingston-upon-Hull), with a conference on China’s Sustainable Development. The six-month programme, attended by government officials, academics, and students, included diverse research-inspired subjects ranging across the arts, sciences and humanities. 今年5月召开了“中国的可持续发展”大会,由英国前副首相彭仕国(John Prescott)阁下(现在是赫尔河畔金斯顿彭仕国男爵)正式揭开了诺丁汉大学世博会系列活动的帷幕。这些活动为期6个月,参加者有政府官员、学者和学生,内容包括艺术、科学和人文领域的由研究引发的广泛话题。

July’s Drug Discovery conference led to several prominent pharmaceutical companies beginning to develop with the University a pharmaceutical R&D centre in Shanghai. The Global Food Security event strengthened relationships with multinational food producers, enabling visits to their R&D bases in Shanghai, and plans are underway to establish a waste-reducing postharvest technology ‘centre of excellence’ with existing partners. 7月份举行了“药物发现”大会,之后有几家著名的制药公司开始与诺丁汉大学合作,在上海开发一个制药研发中心。 “全球食品安全”活动加强了与跨国食品制造商的关系,使大学得以访问这些公司在上海的研发基地,大学现在还计划与现有的合作伙伴一起建立一个减少浪费的收割后技术“卓越中心”。

One Green Manufacturing workshop launched the Sino-UK Low Carbon Manufacturing Consortium — a unique multi-disciplinary research and educational partnership between international academics, industry and government bodies in the UK and China. Another initiated joint research into fuel cells with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Ningbo Institute of Material Technology & Engineering (NIMTE). Extended research collaborations in eight fields include creating fuel from biomass and novel composite materials and processes. “绿色制造”工作坊启动了“中英低碳制造集团”,这是一个独一无二的多学科研究和教育伙伴关系,由英中两国的国际学术机构、行业计划和政府机构组成。另外,诺丁汉大学还与中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所(NIMTE)开始了对燃料电池的联合研究。大学在8个领域拓大了研究协作,其中包括利用生物质能、新型合成材料和各种工艺制造燃料。

The Eco-urbanism event led to joint research on ‘conservation development policy’ with Tianjin University. Experts from Nottingham’s Department of Architecture and Built Environment were invited to be sustainable design advisers by Tianjin Urban Planning and Design Institute for a consultancy project on Nankai new campus, and advanced discussions are taking place with other Chinese universities on collaborative ventures. “生态城市化”活动带来了与天津大学关于“节约发展政策”的联合研究。天津市城市规划设计研究院邀请诺丁汉大学建筑与建造环境系的专家们担任可持续设计顾问,参与南开新校区的咨询项目。诺丁汉大学还在就联合创投与其他的中国大学开展深入讨论。

At the end of August, Nottingham City Council took representatives from 20 East Midlands businesses to visit Shanghai. The event on Sustainable Energy and Construction initiated many new Sino/UK collaborations. 8月末,诺丁汉市议会率领来自英国中东部地区20家企业的代表访问了上海。通过“可持续能源与建筑”活动,中英两国间开始了许多新的协作。

October’s event on Carbon Capture and Storage launched a major new UK research facility — the National Centre for Carbon Capture and Storage — and was catalyst for a strengthening of relations with both the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute. 在10月举办的“碳捕获与碳储存”活动上,英国一家新的主要研究机构碳捕捉与碳储存国家中心正式成立,这次活动还促使大学加强了同英国能源与气候变化部和全球碳捕获与碳储存研究院之间的关系。

The health effects of mass urbanization and vast social change in China were addressed at a symposium on Mental Health and its Role in Sustainable Industrialised Societies. This symposium and associated visits in China by Institute of Mental Health (IMH) researchers, built on established collaborations with the Shanghai Mental Health Centre. More collaborations are now planned, and a new epidemiological survey of mental health in China is also planned to trial a new technique for identifying risk in mental health patients. 在“精神健康及其在可持续工业化社会中所扮演的角色”研讨会上,探讨了中国大规模的城市化和巨大的社会变化对健康产生的影响。诺丁汉大学此前与上海市精神卫生中心已经开展了协作,在此基础上召开了这场研讨会,并且相应地安排大学精神健康研究院的研究人员访问了中国。现在大学正计划开展更多协作,还计划在中国开展新的精神健康流行病普查,对一项识别精神疾病患者所面临风险的新技术展开试验。

Moving Images and the Digital Eco-City, run in conjunction with the British Film Institute (BFI), premiered rare archive film of Shanghai and China (dating back to 1901). This event will inform a major international showcase of Chinese cinema planned by the BFI in London for 2012, and in January 2011 a University of Nottingham / Tsinghua University / RCUK China funded conference on 3D film and TV take place in Beijing. 大学与英国电影学会联合开展了“动态影像与数字生态城市”活动,首次公演了稀有的档案电影《上海与中国》(摄于1901年)。英国电影学会计划于2012年在伦敦举办一场关于中国电影的重大国际影展,本次活动将充实影展内容;2011年1月将在北京举办一次关于三维电影和电视的大会,由诺丁汉大学、清华大学和英国研究理事会中国办事处出资赞助。

As a result of our Expo collaboration, the BFI have offered the use of London’s 3D IMAX cinema for a potential high-profile follow-up event in the UK in 2011 or 2012. A new Chinese PhD student has also been recruited after an interview at the event, and other queries were received from potential students at MA level. 通过我们在世博会的协作,英国电影学会已经提出使用三维IMAX影院,承办可能于2011年或2012年举行的英国高端后续活动。“动态影像与数字生态城市”活动期间进行了面试,之后新招募了一名中国博士生,还收到了其他潜在硕士课程学生的咨询。

Finally, Sustainable Agriculture — the role of plant reproduction brought together key academics, industry, and government agencies from the UK and China to discuss advances in the area of plant reproduction and how these developments fit into a strategy for global sustainable agriculture. Links were strengthened with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and new links created with other leading Chinese research institutes. 最后举行的活动是“可持续农业:植物繁殖的作用”,汇聚了英中两国主要的学术机构、行业机构和政府部门,讨论植物繁殖领域的进展以及这些发展如何融入全球可持续农业的战略。诺丁汉大学加强了与上海交通大学的联系,并且与其他领先的中国研究机构建立了新的联系。

All events took place in The Auditorium at London ZEDpavilion. The building is a cost-effective example of urban best practice, designed and built by leading architects, low carbon product designers and masterplanners ZEDfactory, founded by Bill Dunster OBE, who was lead architect for the first phases of Nottingham’s RIBA Sustainability Award-winning Jubilee Campus. The ZEDfactory’s plan was chosen after winning an international design competition in this category. 所有的活动都在伦敦零碳馆礼堂举行。这栋建筑由英国领先的绿色建筑事务所零能耗工厂设计建造,是具有成本效益的城市最佳实践的典范。零能耗工厂由英帝国OBE勋章获得者比尔•邓斯特(Bill Dunster)创办,他也是诺丁汉大学茱比利校区(曾获英国皇家建筑师学会可持续发展奖)前几期工程的首席建筑师。零碳馆在同类别建筑的国际设计竞赛中脱颖而出。

Bill Dunster, ZEDfactory founder and managing director, said: “Shanghai Expo has been an incredible journey for the ZEDfactory. To be in China at this stage in its urban development gave rise to many challenges. We are privileged that our Pavilion will remain a permanent legacy for the city of Shanghai. We are grateful to our sponsors and for the dedication and expertise of The University of Nottingham, without whom we could not have achieved such a positive and engaging six months.” 零能耗工厂的创始人兼董事总经理比尔•邓斯特说:“对零碳馆而言,上海世博会是一段不同凡响的历程,在中国城市化发展当前阶段来到中国,带来了许多挑战。我们对于零碳馆能够在上海市永久保留感到荣幸。感谢我们的赞助方以及诺丁汉大学的贡献和专长,没有他们,我们这六个月不可能取得如此积极的反响、吸引如此众多的参与。”

In this Expo year there have been two significant additional developments for The University of Nottingham: First, the Shanghai government honoured this University with an invitation to establish a sister campus in their city to complement our flourishing community at Ningbo. Second, global pharmaceutical giant GSK GlaxoSmithKline, taking several cues from the Expo’s message, will establish a major new centre for green chemistry and drug discovery with a climate neutral laboratory at our Jubilee Campus in Nottingham.

The Expo presence may also have had a beneficial effect on applications from China to The University of Nottingham’s UK campuses. These have increased 20 per cent from 2009 to 2010. From the Shanghai region the numbers have risen considerably from 257 in 2009 to 463 in 2010. While the Expo will not be the only factor in this rise, it certainly indicates the Expo has had a positive effect. 诺丁汉大学参展世博会,可能还会对中国学生申请诺丁汉大学英国校区带来有益影响。2009至2010年,来自中国的申请人数增加了20%。来自上海地区的申请从2009年的257份猛增至2010年的463份。虽然世博会并不是申请数量增加的唯一因素,但是肯定产生了积极影响。

Shanghai Expo 2010 provided The University of Nottingham with a unique chance to benchmark our research progress tackling critical issues provoked by climate change, how these affect ordinary citizens and the challenges and opportunities facing the sustainable cities of tomorrow. 2010年上海世博会为诺丁汉大学提供了独一无二的机会,让我们在以下方面为自己设定基准:应对气候变化引发的关键议题方面的研究进展,这些议题如何影响普通公民,以及未来的可持续城市面临的挑战和机遇。

— Ends —

For additional information on ZEDfactory please contact PR Director Jacqueline Faulkner at or visit For more about emda, contact Nick King, Media & PR Manager at the East Midlands Development Agency (emda), at, +44 (0)115 988 8375. 如果需要更多有关英国零能耗工厂的信息,请联系公关总监雅克林•福克纳,电邮为,或登陆网站。如果需要更多有关英国中东部地区发展署的信息,请联系英国中东部地区发展署媒体和公关经理尼克•金,电邮,电话:+44 (0)115 988 8375。

Notes to editors: The University of Nottingham, described by The Times as “the nearest Britain has to a truly global university”, has award-winning campuses in the United Kingdom, China and Malaysia. It is ranked in the UK’s Top 10 and the World’s Top 75 universities by the Shanghai Jiao Tong (SJTU) and the QS World University Rankings.

The University is committed to providing a truly international education for its 39,000 students, producing world-leading research and benefiting the communities around its campuses in the UK and Asia. 诺丁汉大学致力于为学校的3万9000名学生提供真正全球性的教育,产生世界领先的研究成果并且惠及英国和亚洲校区周围的社区。

More than 90 per cent of research at The University of Nottingham is of international quality, according to the most recent Research Assessment Exercise, with almost 60 per cent of all research defined as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. Research Fortnight analysis of RAE 2008 ranked the University 7th in the UK by research power. 根据最新的英国研究水平评估(2008年),诺丁汉大学的研究中有90%以上的质量都属于国际水平,全部研究中将近60%被定义为“世界领先”或者“在国际上出类拔萃”。根据《研究双周》对2008年英国研究水平评估的分析,诺丁汉大学在研究能力方面名列英国第七。

The University’s vision is to be recognised around the world for its signature contributions, especially in global food security, energy & sustainability, and health. 诺丁汉大学的愿景是以特色鲜明的贡献(尤其是在全球粮食保障、能源与可持续性以及健康方面)获得全世界的认可。

Find out more about Nottingham at Shanghai Expo 2010 here: 如果需要更多有关2010年上海世博会诺丁汉大学展览的信息,请登陆网站: and The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China at: 如需要更多有关丁汉大学中国宁波校区的信息,请登陆网站:

More news from the University at: 如果需要更多来自诺丁汉大学的新闻,请登录网站:  

University facts and figures at: 如果需要更多有关诺丁汉大学的事实和数据,请登录网站:

Story credits

For more information contact: Professor Chris Rudd, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Shanghai Expo 2010 lead, at; Helen Foster, Head of Partnership Development in the International Office at The University of Nottingham, at; or Jackie Hadland, Communications Officer at The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, on 0086 (0) 574 8818 0940,

如果需要更多信息,请与以下人员联系:诺丁汉大学副校长和2010年世博会带头人克里斯•路德(Chris Rudd)教授,电邮; 诺丁汉大学国际办公室的伙伴关系发展负责人海伦•福斯特,电邮;;诺丁汉大学中国宁波校区对外联络员杰基•海德兰德,电话:0086 (0) 574 8818 0940,电邮。  

Simon Butt

Simon Butt - Stakeholder Relations and Campaign Manager

Email: Phone: +44 (0)115 84 67156 Location: University Park

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